Steeming Community Contest | Theme: "Human Health" by @sokabomb

Human health can be defined as the "complete state of physical, social, and mental well-being and not merely the absence of illness, disease, or infirmity."


Health is a very important aspect of our life. Being healthy should be a part of our overall lifestyle.
The importance of good health cannot be overemphasized. When we have good health we are fit, can concentrate on our work and are generally happy. I am greatful to @Steemcommunity for this contest. An exercise which will help us to learn and make great decisions concerning our health.

I will be sharing my life experience here. I hope it helps and I hope you enjoy it.


I doubt a lot of people have stepped foot in a dentist office all their lives.I remember the first time I went to the dentist, I was in the final year in the university. I was battling with this pain in my mouth that wouldn't let me talk or swallow spit. This pain that would make me 'cut my teeth' while chewing chicken.
So I visited the chemist and they prescribed some pain relief drugs for me. After days of usage and no improvement I visited the doctor and he disclosed the verdict: You have a bad tooth.

At the dentist, I was made to lie down facing the ceiling, the doctor beside me preparing his tools for the procedure, his assistant, tall, petit, looking beautiful even though she had a masks on. The doctor finishes setting his tools and checks my file. He beckons on the assistant and she zooms into an adjacent room and comes out with syringes that screams 'anesthesia'.
The last time I took anesthesia I had this awkward feeling in my mouth, like it would explode if you as much as picked a pin on my lips. The dentist gives a brief lecture on the need for anaesthesia and its importance, as though he could hear my thoughts. I shrug and then jokingly let out an 'I get small gap tooth o! You people should not close it. It's my selling point'. The dentist freezes, looks at me and then chuckles while the assistant looks like she's trying too hard not to roll her eyes. He assures me he knows his work. I lean back and open my mouth. He asks if we should go ahead. I flash him a thumb to tell him he can proceed.

Even though the doctor assured me that I would feel no pain, I still thought of things to take my mind away. I think of beautiful moments;of christmas celebrations with family. I think of the men in our frontage with whom we play Scrabble games together; bonding over small talks and then argument of who is better between Messi and Ronaldo. I think of going to this fancy eatery with KD. A treat we both want but can't go because of lack of funds so we settle for something less.
I think of sweet sweet things. Anything to take my mind away from the glove in my mouth and the faint smell of the assistant who cannot take a light joke.

The dentist finishes. He tells me I will be fine in a couple of hours while I stare into the mirror. I give him a thumbs up as if to say 'thank you'. I could barely talk. I still felt some heaviness in my mouth.



After that incident, I had another appointment with the doctor. The one where they had to first scrap plaque off my teeth and also to polish it. Guys, you needed to see what they took off my teeth. I think I saw the corpse of a chicken piece I ate when I was 5. Lol. They took out a lot of plaques. After the exercise, I got myself a brand new pair of white shiny teeth. I found myself smiling more than before. Such confidence!



My experiences with the Dentist has taught me it is not enough to brush twice daily and that it is important to have regular dentist appointment at least once a year. And I think it's applicable in every aspect of our health. We don't always have to wait till we are sick before we see the Doctor. We should pay attention to our health down to the smallest detail. We should always go for regular check ups.

I hope my experiences, and the details I have shared above will help others who have similar experiences with me make great decisions that will affect their health positively.

I am inviting my friends @luckydrums @Jaycee10 and @kimora996
to participate. Thank you.

 3 years ago 

Educative post.

We should always go for regular check ups

Yeah. As should be. Thanks for reacting

 3 years ago 

!zen 10

Contest entry verification:

1. set 30% post payout to steemingcuration
2. steemexclusive
3. posted at Steeming Community
4. at least 300 words
5. used of own photos or with source
6. contest post resteemed
7. commented the post link
8. invited at least 3 friends
9. tags used

Thank you so much for joining this contest. I wish you good luck!

 3 years ago 

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