Steem Women Club Engagement Contest 1| My mum my all, My sisters, My world

in SteemWomen Club2 years ago (edited)

Image edited on Canva

Hello to everyone here in this lovely community known as the SteemWomen Club Today I welcome you all to yet another contest in the steemit platform that has been organized by this community, I will like to applaud the team contest organizers for this wonderful topic. I have been looking for a platform to express my inner feelings for my mum and sisters and thank God, one has been provided for me and now I can express how I feel about these people. today I will be joining the contest in this community so sit tight while you read my entry.



Often I think of the right definition of who a woman is but I still do not get it, but in my little understanding, I will like to explain who a woman is in my way.

A woman is a helpmate, a home keeper, devoted to her family. a woman turns a house into a home, a good woman brings joy and peace to every man. no amount of words can qualify who a woman is. women are the best gift from God, I wouldn't have been here if there had been no women. a woman brings inner peace and harmony to a man, not just to a man but to her family entire. a woman is bold, strong, talented, gifted, kind, beautiful, and lovable.

All these words still, are yet to express my feelings about a woman. thank God for this gift. now to my superwomen. I will be talking about the beautiful women that God has blessed my life with, they are, my mum and sister and also I will be telling you all, their importance in my life here they are.



My mum, oftentimes I look at this woman and I give thanks to the almighty for giving me a mum with a golden heart. this woman in no doubt has got a lot of strength in her, she single-handedly raised me to who I am today. her word of encouragement has been the reason why I am still on track, her prayers always shield me and guide my footsteps. she is indeed a lovely mother. I can't help but call her my all. she has been there for me even when everyone looked down on me, even when my dad was never there she kept her fate and chose to be by my side. I have never seen a love like that of a mother, no wonder they are called helpmates. they do not just help their husbands but virtually everyone around them. God has given women the heart of love that never runs dry, the love is always new every morning. no matter what I did to my mum, she always smiles and forgives me even if I am yet to say sorry to her.

No woman, when you give a woman a house, she turns it into a home, how is that possible? it is because of their inner beauty in them. Women are naturally blessed and that is why I can never trade my mum for anything. she is both a father and a mother to me. Women are the only humans in this life that possess both the characteristics of a man and that of a woman. A woman can nurture a child from infancy to adulthood but a man can barely do that. a woman can cook, feed the child, clean the house, pay the rent, and the bills, go to work, and still raise a child**. that kind of strength is rarely seen in a man.

She sat and watched my infant's head, she prayed for me when I fall sick when pain and sickness make me cry, she gazed upon my weary eyes and cheer me up. the love is unconditional, it is priceless it is extraordinary. and I often pray that God keeps her so that she will eat the fruit of her womb.



You see these women right there, they are my world. as the last child of the house, they make sure I am in good conditions. truth be told, the love of a sister is far greater than that of a brother. the way and manner my brother loves me are quite tender. but you see these ladies, they are my world, my inspiration. they guide me in areas I am lacking behind. they help me through thick and thin.

My sisters can go a thousand miles just to make sure I am fine and comfortable. I still remember how I cried like a child when my sister was living in the house, it was not funny because we became acquainted with each other, I never knew that a day will come when they will equally leave the house and settle with another man to start up a family. growing up with them has been awesome and how they took care of me like a king is so amazing, I always wish I could turn back the hand of time to those days when we use to play together, fetching water and holding the hands of each other while going to school. thinking about my sisters always makes me emotional, they are indeed a blessing to me. truth be told if all the humans in this world were to be men, the world would have ended a long time ago. because I tell you, the love of a brother is nothing compared to that of a sister, it is different. I have seen a scenario where a girlfriend is getting jealous over the kind of love a sister is showering her brother with. such kind of love is not always seen elsewhere. a brother may not understand how you feel about an issue but relate it to your sister, you will notice great understanding and display of solutions in it. that is why I call them, my world.



Talking to you all about my mum and sisters feels so good that I don't want to stop. but I tell you, a genuine woman in your life is far better than 10 irresponsible men. women are just naturally engulfed with a certain charisma that is unique and found in just them. I pray God should continue blessing my mum and sister's long life and good health so that we will always see each other and laugh as a family. and to all women out there, you are all beautiful and wonderfully made by God. please keep being you, do not change, do not get tired, and keep the love burning. thank you all.

I will be happy to invite @weasell, @swaylee, @samuelebuka, @gidsbrown, @usmanismail882 @sabrip, and @victoh78 to participate too, thank you.

prove of delegation as seen in the below image.


Note - All images were shot by my friend's Infinite Hot 6 mobile camera, thank you.


That's a very wonderful article from you @solexybaba, this shows how much you cherished your mum and it also shows the kind of love she has for you, for you to talk about her this muh, it also shows the kind of relationship you shared with her. May God keep all our mother's safe and healthy because no woman can replace one's mother.

Que lindo hablas de tu mama y tus hermanas, es verdad no hay mejor amor que el de una madre ellas hacen todo por sus hijos.

Y las hermanas tambien nos quieren y apoyan muchos, me gusto tu post.

Saludos y suerte!

Yoi are absolutely right on track. I really have searched and i notice that the love of a mother is quite exceptional from other kinds of love. Mothers will chastise you when ever you go wrong and then bring you closer to console you. Mothers are indeed loving in all ramifications. Thanks for your kind words. Greetings!

 2 years ago 

she has been there for me even when everyone
looked down on me.

I must say only mom can do this thing for you no one can else. People out there only let you down but mom can help you to face that world.

My sisters can go a thousand miles just to make sure I am fine and comfortable.

I also love my brother this much. Being a sister I can do anything for him like your sister did.
May you all live long life.

Here is my post for the contest you may like to visit.

Seriously i can't help but notice that sisterly love os beyond what one can imagine, and that of a mother is outstanding. If not for the love my m have for me i would have been something different today. Thanks for your kind words greetings!

Beautiful write up. A mother's love is unconditional and they can never be replaced. May God bless our mothers. Ameen

Yes you are absolutely right, mothers are ever conscious of their children and as so wouldn't want their children to pass through pains, they will always want to come in and make a way out for their children. Thanks for your kind words. Greetings

Mother play a important role in a child Life. Your smile when you taken a picture with you mum shows how important she is to you and also you have shown us how close you are with your sisters with is a very good thing. I really love this post thank you

Yes brother, my sisters are so dear to me that they took after my mother's character. They take care of me as though i am their son and also no dull moments with these two. They are my entire world brother and i love them all so much. Thanks for stopping by. Greetings!

Sweet mother

Lolz thank you boss

That was a beautiful article you wrote about your mum, this clearly shows the top-notch love you have got for her, I do wish all your wishes for her come through as well.

Sisters are always lovely, they are what we have next to mothers, she is a pretty damsel as well. All the best in your contest !!

Thank boss, my mom is the best thing that have ever happened to me. She is my all and all. I can't trade for anything in this world. Thanks for your kind words. Greetings

 2 years ago 

Women are indeed special. You are blessed to have your mom and your sister.


Sweet mother
My mum is also my everything
God keep her strong

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