in Steem Ghana3 years ago

Hello everyone, it a beautiful movement for me to share with you my town in ten pics inside CKT-UTAS. It was first called UDS Navrongo campus but now is an autonomous on it own so the name has changed to CKT-UTAS. Due to this, there has been several changes within the system. There are several construction going on to ensure that, the school can stand on it own in the nearest future.

New Library

This is a new Library under construction by the GET Fund education. It's started for about ten years ago and yet still under construction because of changes in government system. It is a three storey building with over 5,000 capacity. It's a nice building for the school and hopefully to see if it would be completed very soon.

Radio Fas

This is radio station for the school called radio Fas. The Fas stands for Faculty of Applied Science. The radio station is owned by the the SRC of the school. It's was constructed in they 2008 but was closed down for some years due to faulty system. It was Just last year that, the SRC renovated it with a huge amount of money to ensure it works. It's contains both the radio studio and the SRC office. Now I can see it is not functioning due to poor managerial system by our leaders.



This is an ATM machine initiated this year by the Republic Bank to the school. This was done due to the the number of people who withdraws money from the Republic Bank. Also, there are several students who receives their monies from the Republic Bank due to the Ghana Petroleum Cooperation scholarship scene.

The Auditorium
This is the Auditorium for the school where several Activities undergoes there. These activities includes Matriculation, SRC Activities and other school activities. Now it's makes bushy and untidy just because there is no current Activity to take place over there so there is no need to be cleaned mean while we have labour's and workers who got paid at the end of every month.

Formal Savannah Hall
The Savannah Hall is made up of two storey building with twenty rooms, ten on top and ten down. It's was a hall which represent the "Scorpion" with their natural colour Black and White. Now it's has been renovated and would be use as office for some of the stuff. It's will no more going to used as hall because the rooms are very small.


Biology Department
This is the department for applied Biology. It's contains the office for their head of their department and other stuff. It's a place where student can get their results and other information from their department.


Old Library
This is the current Library for the school. It's a very small place which it's can't even contain quarter of the students population.


This is another great hall and is one of the famous hall in the history of Ghana Universities. It's great hall with notorious squad who don't fear anything. It's contains more than 800 student population. They are the red bull. Their favorite colour is red.


Faculty of Earth and Environmental science Department
This my department, it is for both Geological Science and Environmental science Department. It's a place where our department secretary, Head of Department, Administrator, Dean of Students are based off.


New Administration Block
This is a new Administration block started in the year 2009 by the late His Excellency Prof John Evans Fiifi Atta Mills. May his soul rest in perfect peace. This a administration for the school because the school as at now don't have any Administration block. This building is almost done but the contactor as at now has packed all her things because she was complaining that she hasn't even received 20% of his contract fee.
Greetings to everyone especially



This really very detailed "my town in ten pics. Well referenced too. Keep it up.

Thanks chairman

This is awesome, very detailed👍

Thanks chairman

Very great CKT-UTAS


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