Solitary Bee resting on mulch - Macro Photography

As I was walking through my Asparagus rows, I saw a lone bee, probably a Mason Bee just resting on some wood chips. It was probably collecting mud to make homes for its offspring. And then resting in the sun before heading off to its next location.

Camera ModelLumix GH3
LensOlympus MSC ED M. 60mm Macro lens
Shutter Speed1/640 sec
Film Speed200
SpectrumVisual Light
Wavelength380 through 700 nanometers
LocationNorth Georgia USA.

The Bees shadow can be seen cast on the wood underneath it. I see alot of Bees around the Asparagus rows as its all loose dirt. I dug up the area a month or so before so the Bees make use of the fresh clay and mud.

I try to move slow and not get too close to it, otherwise it may fly away. But I still want to get good photos of what I saw. Glad it stuck around for a few shots.

The front arms of this Bee appears to have some pollen or maybe dried mud on it. Since these are not Honey Bees, they are missing the "pollen sacs" that make collecting pollen much easier. Mason Bees and other Solitary Bees must cover their body in the pollen and use their front arms to collect it.

Lastly a Bee shadow on my Japanese Aralia plant, its body, antennae and wings can be seen through the leaf. Also known as a Paperplant, it attracts many insects. In the late fall it flowers, and I find many Wasps, Yellowjackets and Hornets visiting the globe like flowers.

Addresses below to help me buy better camera equipment and support me to travel to locations to do photo and video and overall great blogs in new places. I would be happy to list some of the contributors in my posts for donations that help me along the way.


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