What type of government your country has and how does it work?

in #politics6 years ago

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 WOW! With this question I could extend a lot, but I will try to be as accurate as possible.

I am Venezuelan, and as everyone knows Venezuela is not currently going through a good situation in terms of politics is concerned as Maduro, president of the country has been responsible for making a mismanagement of the resources of it thus reaching the destruction of everything.

Currently in Venezuela you live a dictatorship, and you wonder why? Well, because we have sensibility in the media, we have restriction when buying food since we can only buy by ID number, the days that we touch and what they sell in the supermarket that day, for example:

My card ends at number 6, so I have to buy Thursdays; if on Thursday at the supermarket arrives rice I will be able to buy 2 nothing else since only two are sold per person, after making a long line to buy. It is also possible that you do not buy anything since nothing came to market that day.

There is a dictatorship in Venezuela because the votes of Venezuelans are not taken into account for the decision making of the country, that is, if votes are cast for presidential elections, if 90% of Venezuelans vote against mature, it will still win because he decides on the CNE which is the national electoral council (the one that handles the votes)

 I have been in protests and I have had to run so that they do not kill me or they do not put me in jail.

A few days ago a man made a video mocking nicolas mature in plan making a joke, and was sentenced to 20 years in prison,  here I leave the video link so you can see how unfair it is to be put in jail for that video:

Among so many negative things about the government I can also say that: 

  •  The government has never taken any decision based on the consent of Venezuelans.
  •  There is loss of independence of the public powers.  
  •  The government took full control of the relationship between the change of the bolivar and the dollar 
  •   Venezuelan commerce has been destroyed  
  •  There is a large amount of unemployment  
  •  The Venezuelan government limits, the freedom of expression, censoring the media, the media, whether newspapers, radio, televisions; putting to jail people who protest against him, dismissing employees who do not attend presidential marches, and having a large number of political prisoners. 

The following link is an answer to a similar question where I explain in more detail the mistakes made by the Venezuelan government ..  I hope I have clarified a bit the doubt regarding the Venezuelan government !!  Regards! 
