Only Real-Life Events!

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5... Hmm... Okay, now you prepare to meet your end. You can't escape me..."

Imagine this:

On the night of April 1, 1982, a 23-year-old man sat on his bed, in the middle of night, uttering these words to some invisible entity. His newly wedded wife, confused, half asleep, and a little intimidated, looked at him in utter disbelief. She had known him a little before their marriage. But this can't be true... He can't be talking to some invisible beings... Then, with a sudden clap and a burst of mocking laughter, the man declared, "idiot, you kept sucking my blood, you had to die!" He theatrically opened his hand, revealing the demise of the bloodsucking pest—the alleged son of the devil!

My mother witnessed my father's gradual build-up of rage towards this enemy for the first time on that very night. It was a full-on display of an ongoing rivalry that persists to this day. All his grandkids are well-versed in his attitude towards these pesky creatures. The youngest one in the bunch can imitate his actions of counting and then killing these beings spot-on.

She was so dumbfounded that she couldn't utter a word that night. However, by the next morning, the whole family, both his and hers, knew about the previous night's encounter and what had happened within those closed walls. And years later, she didn't forget to narrate the whole incident to us when we came of age!

One day prior to this encounter, on March 31, 1982, there was a dialogue between another pair: a father-son duo:

Source: Pinterest

Little did the father know that the spectator of his son's flight is a skilled marksman!!!

The monologue you saw in the beginning of the post was the count of mosquitoes that were marked for their demise.

And the steemverse saw a glimpse of my own negative affinity towards these scoundrels.

If you are too busy to go back to that post, here is a little throw back:

It's 2 am in the morning
I'm killing mosquitoes in this unfamiliar room
This home of my parents, soon to be rented out
Their new beginning

I have killed so many of them
These flying blood sucking monsters
Have you ever heard of them in December?
They used to disappear in winters
Why the f*** everything is changing
Maybe a new beginning for these devils

I have lit these two repellent coils
Still they are buzzing all around the room
Bhin bhin buzz buzz in my ears
I'm so furious
In a violent mode
Finishing them off manually with this ball made out of black shirt of my niece

So now you get a taste of how much I adore those buzzing critters. Clearly, I take after my dear old dad. Mom, on the other hand, couldn't care less about them. She's all zen, never fussing about anything, specially the mosquitoes. But me? I'm with pops on this one - I just can't stand the sight of these b*******!

This is my last night's encounter with either one of the son or a father from the clan. And I usually have everything on hand to keep to put a plug on their throats, as @weisser-rabes wisely suggests. But some nights are just different. This time, I ran out of my trusty Kingtox, our common love, as @event-horizon can attest. And wouldn't you know it, one of those buzzing nuisances had the audacity to bite my ear! Well, being my father's daughter, as you just learned, I tracked it down and dealt with it in the pitch-black darkness. Yet, just to be sure it was gone, I flicked on the light. Then, thanks to the photographer in me, courtesy of @bambuka, I spent a whole hour photographing the little critter. I had dispatched it with just the right amount of force, not squashing it completely. There it lay, perfectly preserved, showcasing its full morphology and anatomy.

My photography though! Yes, you guessed it right. This is my haemoglobin in his stupid body even though I interrupted him mid meal. You greedy ******

I wanted to punch him while he was still in the air, but you know that punching mosquitoes while they're flying will do nothing to them. I read this somewhere. For example, if an ant fell off the Empire State Building, it would land harmlessly. Its terminal velocity is only a foot per second or so. It would land at about the same speed you would reach in punching a mosquito. By the way, I chose an ant because I don’t want anyone tearing the wings off of a mosquito and dropping them off of the Empire State Building, as much as I hate to get bitten by them.

I bought this beauty in pair today, Can't run short of it again

So, yes, clapping them to death is by far the most effective and honed method, if they are daring enough to buzz near you, when other options aren't available. Although, if they outnumber you, dance in front of your eyes, tease you, and then go off to the roofs and walls, you can finish them off with a ball made out of cloth, provided you have a good aim. I learned the trick from—you know who—my dad (and we used to be at odds if he chose my scarf for the pious deed!)"

The End


I asked 'the one who shall not be named' about the genre of this text of mine.

This piece could be classified as a satirical anecdote intertwined with personal reflection and humorous observations on the eternal battle against mosquitoes.

Oh, really? How fancy! I was simply sharing real-life experiences and observations, nothing more! I doubt anyone will find a hint of mockery in it - perhaps just a bit of 'what on earth'!


The monologue you saw in the beginning of the post was the count of mosquitoes that were marked for their demise.

Alright, you got me laughing out loud here when I discovered who those first text were referring to...😂.

I thought the character at the beginning was a vampire...but it became clearer as I read further.

By the way, I didn't know you guys also have much mosquito like we do here in Africa.

I have given myself alot of slaps these few days in effort to apply your most recommended way to eliminate them 😀.

I prefer using mosquito net....

But still there is a problem of heat inside it 🤦

 2 months ago 

Thank you for reading it really :)

We do have a mosquito problem, but it's manageable in cities. The greenery makes it a little more troublesome. Honestly, it's my own personal vendetta against them. Even my husband isn't bothered much by them; they seem to love me more. Everyone will be sitting calmly, and that one mosquito in the room just wants to annoy me.

The problem is controlled by insecticides, but you know, there are always a few resilient ones.

Oh yeah. Mosquitoes can be so troublesome and annoying. Insecticide is good too.., but you have to stay outside your room after fleeting it.

What happens when the small of that Insecticide is no more active....🙆‍♂️

Well, it works if it's actually a good one.

Otherwise, if it's some that I see here..., it is not that strong and that's why most of those Mosquitoes come back fully loaded with their eyes red as if they just finish taking shisha and guess their next action on people's body and ear...😅

 2 months ago 

What happens when the small of that Insecticide is no more active

I understand the situation of infestation is very troublesome at your place. And these insecticides will definitely be not very effective. I totally get you.

Mosquitoes come back fully loaded with their eyes red as if they just finish taking shisha and guess their next action on people's body and ear...

These bloody ******* I wish we could do something about them 🤬 🤣

Obviously, we can't do nothing 🤷‍♂️

I have similar relation with these suckers, but I assure you this text is not, "just a bit of what on earth."

Despite acknowledging this real-life grave problem and totally sharing the sentiment, this piece just laughed my head off. Not because how petty the issue is(because it-is-not) but how you nailed the satirical narrative. 😁

As much as I love the green around my home, I hate these pesky pests that come as unwanted free samples with the package. I don't sleep without filling the air with Kingtox (either with spray or coil, sometimes both), ignoring all the health hazards. 😶

 2 months ago 

this piece just laughed my head off.

I'm so happy that my writing could do that :)

As much as I love the green around my home, I hate these pesky pests

Seriously, their equation with green is so annoying. Ugh. One can't have a nice evening tea in the lush greenlawn just because of them.

ignoring all the health hazards

The health hazards that they pose are far grave than these insecticides. I do the same

 2 months ago 

Your family clan warfare is endless. You live longer, but the mosquitoes breed faster )))))
"Kill them all" won't work here.)

 2 months ago 

I could hate these suckers till eternity!!!

Kill them all" won't work here.)

Isn't it a bit unfair 😪

 2 months ago 

don't pay much attention to them.)
One person wrote that it was possible to negotiate with them. He told them he wouldn't kill them if they didn't bite him hard. And it seemed to work ))

 2 months ago 

One person wrote that it was possible to negotiate with them. He told them he wouldn't kill them if they didn't bite him hard

Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣


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 2 months ago 

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