My only love ♥ my beautiful story

in #poetry7 years ago


Good night everyone, I come to tell you my only love story that at my age and could have.

It all started more than 5 years ago since I studied at my high school, I would say that since everything has to start from scratch, I met through a group of friends a nice girl named Eyda Nuñez, she was always the typical shy girl and not I dared to speak or let go a lot in a conversation, knowing her little by little I knew that she was a good girl, studious and very applied in her things, I liked her a lot, to the point that she became my best friend in the I entrusted her with many personal things of my life, we spent her every night talking and talking about a little bit, like friends of course at that moment I only saw her as a friend to trust.


When I finish my studies in high school, I have the sad part of not seeing it every day as usual, it was a little hard to accept it as a nice friendship and little by little I get so much strength and confidence you have to move away a little Through the stages of life, we managed to understand that even if we studied in different places, we would always be in contact with each other and we would never stop talking or see each other, that's when I knew that our Friendship was really at a very strong point between the two of us.

As time went by I could not get my studies close, but in another city and for me it was very sad to think that now if our strong friendship was at great risk that maybe so many things and hours of talking for so long would be very difficult to recover and My biggest fear was maybe to think that this beautiful friendship with that pretty girl would one day come to an end.

One day I invite Eyda to walk and eat ice cream, we went out and had a happy day together, but I could not find a way to explain that I had to go far and that it would hurt a lot for us, being just friends the fear I felt was terrible not I would know how to explain them to you, but that's the way it is. After the time that day was approaching the time to say goodbye and there I could not help but sit down with her and I said "I have something important to tell you" she surprised maybe I expected to hear something else, and without saying, "Your best Friend has to leave "she confused, she did not understand well and I told her that maybe I have to go to another city far away to study for many years and since our friendship would not be the same, she did not take 5 seconds to fill up with tears and hug me very, very strong, her words were "No te Vayas" that undoubtedly broke my soul and I let lots of tears with her, tried to comfort her and tell her many beautiful and positive things, but she did not want to accept that her only best friend to whom she entrusted him the least of his life, he has to leave far away from her, at the end he stayed calm but with a broken heart and left her at home as usual, it had been a nice day together but he knew that the end would be something similar, very sadthe truth go through that situation.

After the time I embark to study in another city 6 hours from the city in which we were both, last about 3 weeks or more, all the things being prepared and preparing all the papers and others to enter the Naval Military University from Venezuela, I did all my tests, exams and other things to get a quota in that prestigious site of Studies, successfully made each and every one of the tests that put me ahead of me, I only had one goal and was to enter at the Naval University, in an interview they do routine with the rectors of the Naval Academy to see or know a little more about you in detail, they make me go to a place where they are all sitting and wait to hear a little of my life in a few words, I told them that I felt very prepared to be in college and I told him a little about my personal life, they immediately told me that if I decided to be at the Naval Academy, I had to lvidar of my daily life, of my Family, Friends and everything that could hinder my studies, It was a difficult choice since I had in my desicion the power to be In the Naval University, there is same I thought that I would not see my family anymore my most important friends.

It was a very difficult choice, however my response was, "I can not accept it" and I withdrew, I could not stop thinking about what else I could never see my family and friends again. That's the most important thing in life for me and you only have one time, that said, I decided to go back to my city where I grew up and was born.

When I arrived again I felt at home again with my family and friends, without thinking I was going to tell Eyda that I was back and that I would never go far, she immediately was very happy to know that we would be the ones again. same as before for everything.

One day I began to finally realize that what I really felt for her was not just friendship, it went beyond a simple feeling, I discovered that it was "Love", being so aware of her and that we were always We spent it together for many things, I started to like my best friend and my head was filled with many questions and feelings that I had not felt before for any girl.

As the days passed my birthday approached and I thought better day to tell her that I liked and wanted to try to be something more than his friend, I could not let it go, because besides being my birthday that would be the day in addition That began our beautiful relationship of love, after that day enjoy, eat and dance, at the end we all sit on benches to talk as always, I saw that tender face that always puts me when I see, and

As the days passed my birthday approached and I thought better day to tell her that I liked and wanted to try to be something more than his friend, I could not let it go, because besides being my birthday that would be the day in addition That began our beautiful relationship of love, after that day enjoy, eat and dance, at the end we all sit on benches to talk as always, I saw that tender face that always puts me when I see, and I could not help telling she that I felt in love with her, I told her how much I really loved her and why not try to be something more than just friends? Since we had 3 years as best friends and a nice friendship, she impressed me saying "I knew that someday I would tell you that" somehow she knew that I was involving my feelings in friendship and that sooner or later I would ask her to go "my girlfriend", she also felt the same way about me and when she told me that "yes" she became very red and embarrassed, but there was nothing left but to give her a little kiss so she would know and realize that she had really proposed Be your Boyfriend from that moment.

That day we lasted until dawn talking about many things and we realized that by kissing us for the first time we were enchanted, and from that moment on it became custom hehehe



Now we were not only better friends but we had become Boyfriends, always from friends we had an excellent relationship and so much so that led us to feel Love for the Other.

It was approaching on February 14 on Valentine's Day and Friendship, for me was and is my first love, I was very motivated to give him a beautiful gift, full of surprises and sweets, had the advantage of having been his best friend and I knew exactly what things she liked and what things were not, I decided that day to buy her several things that she loved and she was dying to have, I remember things she used to tell me when we left being friends that she would like to have someday, and I set in motion to give her a beautiful gift in addition to the rich chocolates and sweets that she loved so much, that day I could not wait to know that she had me ready for me, she also killed me the intrigue to know, that day we went to eat at a restaurant her favorite food, besides walking through beautiful places and make the most of that day, when I gave her my gift she could not wait and I opened it and realized that she had mentioned it to me, it was what I wanted to have Guna Ves, that day we had a very happy time together, everything ended and I had to pass.

As we celebrate the anniversary year together, I decide to buy something even more. We would commit ourselves to the maximum, a beautiful engagement ring that I could see in a store, I loved it and more that came in pairs, one for her with her beautiful stone and another one gentleman for me, buy it without thinking and wait for our anniversary day to deliver it, she never expected it from me that day he would give something like that, we were in a spring near the bay of our city, was a little late and the time lent itself to be perfect for the occasion, she arrives and sees me as if I would not have anything to give her that day but on the contrary, I told her that her gift is not very big but has much value and meaning for both My as for her, I take my hand out of my pocket and show her her pretty engagement ring and I ask her that one day very close to my wife, she immediately became so happy that only a couple of tears and she said "Nobody had behaved as well with me You are my Prince "and I accept to commit myself with me, I very happy and happy I hug her tight and I give her a nice kiss that would seal that beautiful day as the day in which we committed Eyda and I Jonathan.

From that moment we have lived our lives together and we are very happy to each other, we help each other and we love each other despite our short ages, Eyda is 20 years old and I am 23 years old, we are a young couple, with a lot of life for living and many goals to achieve, and are much more beautiful when we fight next to that nice person that motivates us every day to be there, to not fall before anything and be a better person every day that passes, this was "My only Love" the love story that many would like to have but few are the ones we can tell.


#Follow me and I follow you friends 


thanks friend for reading my post, I follow you greetings

beatiful story bro, u have a nice talent.