The private life of the Hamster, A stuffed animal with a wild heart :)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #animals7 years ago

His endearing figure has made him the favorite pet for thousands of families. But very few of its owners know that, despite its loving aspect, this small rodent retains some wild customs, essential to survive in the place from which it comes: the desert of Syria. This is the life of an active and noctambulo sexual champion, a glutton like few others and able to defend his territory with the most ruthless fierceness.

The passage of time has not erased his behavior

Hidden inside his burrow, a golden hamster is busy swallowing as many seeds as he can. Heirs of their ancestors who lived in the Middle East, in hundreds of generations these rodents have not lost their nocturnal habits or the habit of storing food.

Loving Guinness Record: fifty times every quarter hour

The intense intermittence of the body to body.

The sentimental life of the hamster is governed by the brief periods of estrus of the females. Fertile every four days, it is the only time in which they tolerate males. Then mating occurs. Although copula barely lasts a couple of seconds, they repeat it about 50 times every 15 minutes.

Babies who have just formed outside the mother's cloister

As with all mammals that have too short a gestation period, their offspring come into the world without having completed their body.

The hamster is born naked of hair and without functional eyelids. After two weeks (above) he has the appearance he will achieve as an adult.

The mice only need 15 days to come to the world

With a gestation period of 15 to 18 days, each female calves a litter of five to nine specimens as a mean. With such a short gestation period, the average weight of hamsters at birth is only two grams. To help them in their rapid development, breast milk is very rich and concentrated in nutrients.

Modern tubes and labyrinths for an old hobby

To encourage the innate need of this rodent to exercise physically, as well as his taste for exploration, experts advise to provide its enclosure with all kinds of labyrinths, ferris wheels and other devices that keep it entertained and, above all, active.

His main hobby is to accumulate food

The difficulty to find food in its natural habitat development in the hamster the need to keep all the foodstuffs it finds. It has come to observe individuals who had accumulated in their pantry up to 50 times their own weight in food.

Anything is worth to chew, even the bars

As in all rodents, the incisors of the hamster do not stop growing. If it does not wear them, a malocclusion occurs, a pathology that ends up preventing them from eating. That's why, and if he does not have something in his cage to chew, he wears them by rubbing them against the bars.

Few know anything more about the hamster, one of the most popular pet animals. The reasons are in its low economic value (can be found for less than 300 pesetas, although the usual is that they give it to you) and its ease to reproduce. There are many and they are not just children's thing; Many adults also show their fondness for these animals.

In Britain there are clubs of friends of hamsters.

Without reaching the extremes of Britain, where there are clubs of friends of hamsters, in many countries these rodents are the mascot of thousands of homes. It is a very home animal although people do not usually relate to their hamster, as it happens with dogs and cats, the reality is that there are enough.

Before reaching our homes, the hamster became one of the laboratory animals preferred by scientists, due to its ease of reproduction and its short life cycles. Also for the susceptibility that shows to the infection by leismaniosis.


There are about thirty species perfectly differentiated from this nice rodent. The most common and known is the golden or Syrian hamster, native to the desert between eastern Turkey and Syria.

There it seems that its presence in the wild has remitted to the threshold of extinction. This is confirmed by the investigations of the German zoologist Rolf Gattermann, of the University of Halle, who in a recent expedition that traveled more than 4,000 kilometers through the Aleppo region, did not find any specimen.

The reason has been the massive use of toxic products to eradicate the pests of rats and mice from crops in that region.

The opposite occurs with domestic specimens, which increase their number as only the neat rodents do. Despite captive hundreds of generations, they have not forgotten at all the old customs developed in their severe original habitat.

The behavior and physiology of the hamsters reveal their past desert life. There, their main source of food are the seeds, the same food they prefer now that they are pets.

In the desert, the concentration of this nutrient is very low, so they have to travel great distances to get it. That's why we do not see them stop even for a moment. Their innate need to walk means that, if they are kept in a small cage where they can barely move, not only will they find themselves uncomfortable, but they will also contract some disease.

 The lack of exercise produces the so-called disease of the cages, a paralysis of the animal, which is due to the lack of physical activity. To avoid this, our hamster needs a large enclosure and, above all, it has to move. The plastic balls that are put in to walk around the house and the wheels that are placed in the cages are essential.

Their nocturnal habits are also inheritance of their desert life, because it is the only period of the day in which the high temperatures allow them to leave their refuges.

The hamster has developed a peculiar adaptation to his life as a noctambulo hiker: some surprising supermarket trolleys. In his prolonged excursions he finds successive grains of seed, which he can not carry with his hands; this made him develop the abazones, bags located on the sides of his mouth, where he puts all the food he finds, and keeps there until he reaches his burrow.

Scarcity has made them implacable defenders of the place where they find food. This territoriality is maintained by hamsters and, on occasion, it is put to the test by owners who ignore their behavioral patterns.

With the intention that these cute little mice can form their family, a couple is introduced in the same cage. Then the tragedy is triggered: both copies will be locked in a fight and, if they are not separated, it can end with the death of one of them. Bloody way these delicious pets have to remind us that, despite living with us for so long, they still retain their wildest and most elemental instincts.



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