Get outta your mind, and into life!

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I once read a book that said:
To be successful you've got to be out of your mind.
Wait, it's really true, and before your drive off, would you give a minute to hear me out first? Thank you!
So, think of it this way. Right now your mind is probably thinking you cannot achieve a particular goal you want to set for yourself, or you cannot fly higher than where currently are.
Well, scratch that! You've gotta leave that mindset behind and take on another that says: I got this, this is my life, I own this, I'm going to call the shots here, nobody is going to tell me how much I'm worth.

To achieve greatness in your personal life and in the world at large, you've got to follow some steps:
Transform your mindset.

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As I earlier stated. You have to take on a new mindset. Read books that motivates you everyday, read about people who have achieved what you're hoping to achieve, listen to inspirational audios; program and reprogram your mind. Listen to and study people who have attained heights you desire to scale.

Practice OQP

You don't want everybody in your life and in your organisation, you should want only quality people. If you run around with nine broke people who have no plans to change their status quo soon, it really wouldn't talk long before you're number 10! Also, if you allow negative people around you, you may never really achieve anything. So what do you say? Is that person making positive additions to your life? You have to let some people go so you can grow!

Develop your communication skills
Communication is a great aspect of our everyday activities, as such your communication skills should be of great concern to you. Learn different ways of saying the same thing, learn new words and "sell" yourself in the best way possible once you open your mouth to speak.
Let your words be seasoned.

You've got to be hungry

Oh yes! You have got to have the hunger to succeed in you. What do you want to do with your life? What wonders do you want to achieve? What goals do you want to accomplish?
People that are hungry are willing to do things today others won't do, to achieve tomorrow what others won't achieve. People that are hungry are relentless, unstoppable, giving up is not a choice because no excuse is acceptable for not making their dream become a reality.
Now ask yourself; are you hungry?

Give room for negative comments.

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One reason most people don't even venture into what they intend to is that they are scared of what people would say, they're scared of rejection, they're scared of not being accepted by people and mostly they are scared of being laughed at.
People laugh at a vision they do not understand. Some discourage you because they do not have the guts to dream that big. Should you let that stop you? NO! Even if you fail once, it's an opportunity to learn and do better at the next trial.

Be willing to invest in yourself.

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Warren Buffet was being interviewed by a financial analyst on CNN. He was asked what is the most important investment a person can make today. Warren who is a billionaire looked at the reporter and said, the most important investment you can make is in yourself.
Invest in yourself because, you're your most treasured asset.
it's better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than have an opportunity and not be prepared.

Believe in your dreams.

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The only one you has got you in mind above everyone else is YOU. Is it going to be hard? probably, would it stress you? maybe, will it be worth it? TOTALLY.
Do the things your future self will thank you for.
Alright.. I have exhausted my quotes, and I'm sure someone out there gets this. In case you don't, there's a one-line-describes-it-all quote here:
Get outta your freaking Mind!
There... I feel better!