My 2017 Top 5 posts challenge/contest

in #my2017top57 years ago (edited)

So I woke up at about 3am or so and started going through steemit. Started with replies but then I stumbled on @rocking-dave 's #my2017top5 challenge/contest. At first I thought I didn't have up to 5 considering I joined around the last week of December 2017 so I just decided to go through my block. Found out I had about 7!
So out of all, I think these are my top 5

1. Knowledge is Truly Power

That statement, "knowledge is power" rekindled the part of me that works really hard, steps out of my comfort zone frequently, taking risks that are definitely worth it. It was just a comment that inspired me and the best I can do for myself is to open my mind wide and accept and stuff it with knowledge because I do not want to feel powerless anymore.

Above all we need to know that knowledge can only be power if you use the knowledge you have acquired. Knowledge without use is like having a billion dollars and still be poor. When you get a degree and do not use it, rats use it as their daily bread.

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2. A Walk a Day Could Save Your Life

A lot of people think exercise is only about lifting weights and muscle building but in actual fact, the form of exercise we need to maintain a healthy body is only just the basics. Lots of people are not athletic and it doesn't take athletism to actually exercise.

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3. Heart Friendly fruits

Some fruits contain minerals and biologically active chemicals that are wonderful in protecting the heart and blood vessels. It's absolutely important for the heart and blood vessels to work at optimal states. Without the heart, we can't function. Without the heart we are dead. The heart pumps blood which contains all the nutrients the body needs, oxygen as well as cells that fight microorganisms in the body. Whenever we talk about emotions we touch our chest, where the heart is because it is single handedly the most important organ in the body aside from the brain...
...The healthy benefits of fruits with regards to the heart cannot be overstated. Going natural makes your heart stronger, healthier and a lot more protected from heart breaks (the medical kind- heart attacks).

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4. Chicken Wings Broke my Heart

It was like meeting a ridiculously beautiful and excellently packaged lady...the kind every guy would want to be with. I couldn't control myself. I had to have her everyday and everywhere (class, kitchen, bedroom, restaurant). I would always take a cab to go pick her up. I'm still talking about Chicken wings here (for those their minds are wandering to a different direction).
It was awesome until I gained close to 25kg...

...All that junk and no exercise...then the hypertension came, the migraines, the chest pain and then visits to the Cardiologist.

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5. Fruits that Protect the Brain: FRUIT-filled Christmas series

Lots of people undervalue the health benefits of fruits and I do not understand why this is so. We can try to live better, healthier. Everybody wants to live forever; well, as long as possible but a lot of people are not willing to put in the effort to make that happen. A good diet with a lot fruits, veggies, exercise and a sound mind goes a long way to keep us healthy.
...tomatoes are good for the brain. They contain the largest amounts of the carotenoid, Lycopene. It's a potent antioxidant which is why it's good for the brain. It's antioxidative properties has drawn a lot attention and prompted research into its application in management of cancers. The results however have minimal evidence suggesting they could cure cancer. Still it's antioxidative effects makes it absolutely important.

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I picked the 5 post above because they are some of my first, I was still learning how to work steemit and they are things that I really wanted to share. They are my favorite 5 posts from 2017. So the rule is that I have to nominate 5 people participate so I nominate @nmalove @kellywin21 @eggmeister @ponmile and @kenny-crane (not sure if he had any post last year but I'm always looking for a way to make him post stuff. I hope it works this time).
I hope you guys join the challenge/contest. Cheers.


You should have added your introduction post. Its one of your best.

Really? Don't know why I didn't consider it.

Thank you for your participation! I see that you have some very personal posts, that's good. And fruit is important, it's nice to be reminded of that! :)

I don't think I posted at all in 2017 but I'm back in 2018 so challenge me next year. I like your 5 choices!

Thanks. Trust me, I will remember next year

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