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RE: The Awakening Project: Going Beyond The Illusions ~ BioAPI & Gangstalking

in #awakening7 years ago

First of all, thank you so much for taking your time to read our post. We suggest you to read every single post from "The Awakening Project" series.

Every problem comes with a some solutions, fortunately we have found the solution too! But we need support from the community, we are asking for donations therefore so that we can proceed to create a "switch shield" (That's what we named this device), that works pretty much like emp weapons, but it's a shield that bounce back and re-direct plasmonic fields, Electromagnetic frequency back to the source, we have figured the way to use scalar wave beams that combines dual sine waves and can be changed to square wave. Doing so give us direct access to aether energy that creates more energy and to collect that energy we have set the combination of crystal grids to absorb the energy and then amplify it for multi purpose energy shield. We know it's easy to say than done but we have many more solutions that works on different levels, it all depends on the amount of help we receive from the people.

On Steemit, not many people are interested in reading these stuffs, they are so much into matrix that they enjoy political drama more than the real thing. So we are thinking to shift this project to some other platforms, where we can reach to more people and hopefully we get some help and donations to work on creating the switch shield, we have bio shield in place so we can protect ourselves on individual level, but for protecting on mass level and disabling their matrix grid, we need the support if more people. Only then we will able to use our combined power of collective consciousness to completely dismantle their matrix grid.

5G timeline is very near, and it will merge with the main timeline in 2020, only 1 year left, we are doing what we can, but it's upto the people if they do their part or not.

There's a hope too, good things are happening too, we are aware of majority of the main events that are happening all around the world and behind the scenes. We have achieved 70% of critical mass, we need to achieve just 30% more to crystalline the positive collective timeline that is in the future, just going adjacent to our main collective timeline. [If you aren't familiar with what we are speaking here, you can ask for clarification.]


"... but it's a shield that bounce back and re-direct plasmonic fields, Electromagnetic frequency back to the source, we have figured the way to use scalar wave beams that combines dual sine waves and can be changed to square wave. Doing so give us direct access to aether energy that creates more energy and to collect that energy we have set the combination of crystal grids to absorb the energy and then amplify it for multi purpose energy shield. "

Well before I got to the reference to perpetual motion, this set off my BS detector.

If you want to be taken seriously by anyone with any technical knowledge at all, you will need to provide actual science. This paragraph is nothing more than mumbo jumbo.

While I realize my comment here is certain to be offensive to a true believer, an actual scientist will understand my interest in details, such as papers, schematics, and studies showing how this might function.

Any reference to 'aether energy that creates more energy' is nothing more than BS.

We understand that it's too much unbelievable for many people to even believe a thing like that can even exist, we hadn't mentioned it in our posts yet with full details about its working and how it operates, we may reveal more about it in our upcoming posts.

About aether energy that creates more energy, *it's not just the aether, but the zero-point energy.

You must understand that if you believe that everything follow the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which is entropy, you would call every such
Higher dimensional technologies bs, coz your science needs more correction than you are aware of.

If you would have ever wondered a bit about why the electrons never sloved down, you would have figured it out long ago in your school days that they don't follow the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

The reason why they don't slow down is ~ they're constantly absorbing the zero-point energy, and that's what keeps the electrons around the atomic structure in our universe. It keeps them energised. That's why it never disintegrates, falls apart.

We're not going to explain everything in this comment alone. Wait for our upcoming posts, we will put everything up.*

Everyone's support is much needed. thank You! ☺

There is much that is misunderstood in science. That is why the scientific method succeeds, because it is simply a way of asking questions that makes getting answers possible.

Sadly, postulating that electrons don't slow because they are powered by zero-point energy is untrue, and this has been shown by experiment.

Bose-Einstein condensates, the Hall Effect, and even basic chemistry, prove that electrons do in fact follow the Second Law of Thermodynamics. I urge you to either gain nominal understanding of the science you discuss, or to accept you do not, and state your remarks accordingly.

While no scientist worthy of the name will state the Aether does not exist, if only because a negative cannot be proven, I know of none that claim it does. The Aether, zero-point energy, and psychic phenomena are hallmarks of pseudoscience, and incessantly used to baffle with BS those unable to understand actual physics.

Such extraordinary claims, contravening not just some esoteric formula but the entire body of scientific research that has ever been published and is the basis for every functioning technology more advanced than fire and pointy sticks, require equally extraordinary evidence to be considered reliable.

Absent any evidence at all, which is what you have provided, I will remain unconvinced of your thesis.