[ANN] Steemy Mobile App - Beta Available for iOS/Android

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


BETA AVAILABLE - Steemy for iOS and Android

(*special shout out to @xeroc for his guiding hand during on-device tx signing implementation)

We're happy to announce that the first public beta of Steemy is available for iOS and Android! If you'd like to participate in the beta, simply send an email to steemapp@gmail.com and which device (iOS or Android) so we can send you a beta invite. We're utilizing hockeyapp.net (microsoft) to manage the beta.

Some important things about the beta:

  • Use at your own risk - period.
  • Don't login with an account that has your life savings in STEEM. Why? Because this is a beta product!
  • Don't login with your password if you don't feel comfortable - you can still use the app without logging in. Key import options will be available in a future version.
  • Images you upload from your mobile device are publicly available to the world.
  • Image hosting providers could change during the beta and your images could be wiped out permanently without notice
  • We receive crash reports, analytics and other useful debugging information from HockeyApp
  • Once signed up, you will receive notifications to download all future versions of the beta
  • Are there known issues? Yup! Expect frequent beta versions with no announcement.
  • Hockey provides features to send us feedback directly. There's a 100% chance we'll get your feedback if you submit through hockey app or email us steemapp@gmail.com.

How You Can Help

We are developing at a feverishly-fast pace...as fast as two guys can who have day jobs and families to support. If we could, we'd say adios to the day job and focus 100% on Steemy (that's a dream I have weekly). That being said, the reality is that we are building this with our own time, energy and spare funds. That makes us no less passionate or driven, but imposes real-world constraints on development.

You can help us by:

  1. Participating in the beta
  2. Giving us constructive feedback on crashes, design, and other app-specifics
  3. Of course, financial - any funds we receive via upvoting go directly to supporting our monthly server costs, red bull addiction, etc...

How to sign up for the beta

  • Email us at steemapp@gmail.com and tell us which device (iOS or Android) you want an invite for
  • Or, if you don't care who sees your email address, post a comment below and specify iOS or Android (or both)

What is Steemy?

Learn more about Steemy Here


Downvoted because you still allow master password login. This is unjustified privilege overreach that raises a huge red flag as I already explained to you: master password allows to steal accounts. That's the only thing it does that more specific keys like posting and active keys don't. Why would you need that much priviledges?

Your app shouldn't need more than the posting key. Please remove any possibility to login with the master password, and direct your user to the "permissions" tab to get their posting key.

We will support many ways of logging in, including by specific key. Thanks for the input though. As explained in the post, please only log in with a test account if you choose to log in. Cheers.

You don't get it, or act as if you don't even I know you do because we already had this discussion a couple of times and it was clear that you know what I meant. This makes me even more suspicious regarding your app.

Let me restate that another time. If that doesn't hit home this time I will have to consider that you have bad intentions and escalate the matter to the abuse team. So pay attention this time around.

Allowing users to login with their master passwords is allowing users to compromise their account. Unless you stand to benefit from users compromising their account (for instance by stealing their account), why would you add such a self-defeating feature? Again the simple fact you insist on letting this login method - which you know full well will lead many users to stupidly handover their master password to you - is raising a huge red flag.

I'm that close of considering you a scammer due to your acting as if you didn't understand what I'm talking about in spite of our earlier unambiguous discussion on that matter. It's never too late to fix that though, remove that gaping security threat from your app and I'll stop interfering. If you don't things are going to escalate because I, and other security aware whales, won't let you advertise and app that basically compromises users security.

Can we log in using our posting key? Because that's the only way I'd use the app.

Understood completely. Please wait for that feature in the next version or so. If you sign up as a beta tester, you'll get notifications when new versions come out and you can check the accompanying release notes for the import key features. In the meantime, you can use the app without ever logging in if you wish.

do we access our original account or are we making a new one when we sign up on the app? If not, how would we log in without exposing our password/wallet?

Steemy does not allow account creation (yet). This version of the beta allows login to an existing account by password only. You don't have to log in to use the app though. We realize that maybe too risky for most and we understand if you'd rather wait for import key functionality. Look for key import features coming in the next beta versions.

wow, another milestone to improve a wider steemit adoption.

@steempowerwhale 🐳
🌞 upvoting your lifetime dreams!

send it 8]

i just went to the app store.... i cant find it on a Steemy or Steemit Search. Is it for the Iphone?

Yes @peacekeeper it is for iPhone, but you won't find it in the store. We are in beta and you can participate through HockeyApp (a microsoft beta distribution tool). It's simple. You just send us your email address to steemapp@gmail.com and we send you an invite through Hockey. After that you'll get instructions on how to download Hockey from the App Store and activate your invite that let's you download Steemy. From then on, every time we push a new version out, Hockey will tell you and let you download it if you wish. When the beta comes to a close, we'll release an official version in the real App Store. Cheers!

thanks for sharing this material, I like what you posted. Thank you so much

i have one app on IOS its called eSteemm but isn't very good, the app has very low performance..

Is this app launched yet? If yes, then could you please share its play store link.

I would like to try this to compare with having to go to the site. Thus I have emailed my request to the email address posted and I await what's needed to get started. I hope it rocks

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