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in #life7 years ago (edited)

Today is a special date. June 29… On this day back in 1984 my Man asked me to "go steady" with Him. Do people even do that anymore? Go steady? I don't know, 😆 but that's what we did back then and have been together ever since. Yep, we have seriously been together for 33 years as of today, and we are 47 years old. 🙏🏽 Our relationship is a special rarity, and the story actually begins well before 1984.


We met in 2nd grade. 1976. We liked each other immediately even then. Well, I think I mainly liked him at first, but He grew to like me back. 😉 We likened ourselves "girlfriend & boyfriend" then. That year for Christmas I received a little diary as a gift. I proclaimed my love for Him in my 1st journal entry. I wrote all about how our life together would be in the future. "Together forever..." etc. I still have this little diary. It is priceless to me. 💗


We broke up at the end of that school year over some silly playground fight. 😂. Then we reconvened our relationship in 8th grade and from then on became re-smitten with each other.



In high school we dreamed/decided that later when we were married that we would have have identical twin boys and then a daughter. We even picked out their names back then. Besides changing a couple of their first or middle names… That's exactly how it happened. 😳 Our identical twin boys are now 20 and our daughter is 13. 🙏🏽

(Me, our dream kids + friend on the far right)

Back then we used to dream of what our future lifestyle would be like. We even visualized specific elements in our future dream home. Like we wanted a glass wall between the master bedroom and bathroom. Weird, sexy, and romantic...I know, but that was part of our dream.

Flash forward to the present - next week we go home shopping in Puerto Rico preparing for our move to there 2018. One place we've seen online, and will look at in person, literally has some of these dreamed of elements! Like a glass wall between the master bedroom and bathroom. I kid you not... 😳 the room we fantasized about as teenagers exits(!) in PR and we are going to see if we want to make that space our new home!! 🙏🏽

Looking back at the bathroom walls of our teenage dreams ...I think what the glass wall represented back then were the relationship qualities for which we desired. No separation between us. Transparency. No hiding. Everything revealed… Always open, connected and available to one another. This is truly how our relationship is today. 🙏🏽

(I'm such a damn poser )

We seem to be magnificent motherfucking manifestors! (Can I say "motherfucking" here?) We've never taken a class on how to do this, we don't do anything special like daily mirror affirmations of "gosh darn it I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and people like me...oh and I want a glass bathroom wall!" We just know what we want. We are not afraid to dream big. We listen to the truest callings from the deepest parts of our bellies, and proceed with action towards that. It seems to be working well so far.

Now our relationship has not always been smooth sailing. Don't mean to imply it's been all dream houses and rainbows. There were some VERY rocky years when our twins were young, our differing parental approaches were being tested and reconciled, and we were came near filing bankruptcy due to tons of credit card debt we ran up trying to survive with the babies and each of us starting businesses. But, we've always been smitten with each other and somehow knew we would live our dream life together in the end.


I know we are a little freaky, but we're very happy freaks. 🤗🙏🏽 Cheers to many more years of living dreams with You, @sean-king 😘❤️👅👣🍑


I love this story! This was such a great read and feels magical! I'm so happy that you shared this with me. There was a time I felt I met someone on my journey who would stay by me as I with her but unfortunately it didn't last beyond a few years. Seeing you and @sean-king gives me hope!

Congratulations to you both! I hope one day I can catch you two over some lunch in Puerto Rico!

Awe, thank you 🙏🏽 Our relationship and our story is (I know) almost stupid cheesy cute. But everything I say here about us is true. We just are what we are.

If we meet lunch will be on us. Thanks for your comment.

I believe you and you don't even have to say it. I've seen you two here and followed all your posts and observed how you go about things. That alone speaks volumes about your commitment to each other and your relationship! It's truly inspiration and something I aspire for, for sure!

I remember, exactly a year ago when Sean was on the old Steemit slack and I was a new user he would take a lot of his time to explain how this site worked. One of the days when we had a chat he mentioned whenever I visit the States, I should come and visit! Now that both of you have invited me on separate occasions, I've gotto make it there hahah!

i love hearing that you remember Him take time and explain things with you. He loves helping people who want to learn and are willing to listen and do the work. It's an odd feeling to me to know that you were watching both of us the last year. Him, I understand. He is a big presence here and when He speaks it usually worth listening (on Steem or real life IMO) but I didn't think many People were aware of me. Thanks for that. :)

You two are my favorite couple on Steemit. Keep it up!

How kind. Thanks! 🙏🏽

One of the best reads I read in some time about love...I think i'm hopeless romantic..thanks for this share again, I will keep hope alive for my true love!

That's the spirit bro, never lose hope, everybody has somebody. We just have to wait for the right time.

Very very cool. Congrats!

wow! You guys rock! followed and best wishes for ever lasting love and energy!

Beautiful story an congratulations to you both, it amazing why love manifests so young.

I applause your manifestation as that age too I'm only just getting into it a 36, just wish I had know about its power 25 odd years ago.

Love to you all

Oh my God! You look SO gorgeous!!! Both of you!! :)
Happy anniversary guys!!!!! I have mine with my boyfriend, fellow Steemian @creutzy in 3 days -it's an only 2 year relationship anniversary, but still happy! Difficult times to keep relationships alive! So glad to see that some of us manage!!! I wish you all the happiness in the world, as freaky as you want it, and keep living your dreams with us and all the people you love! <3

That is Awesome! As a married couple we certainly appreciate being happy freaks as well! We love your anklet! We are new to Steemit but we are looking forward to following you guys! Thanks again for great story.

Thank you! The anklet is very meaningful to me. We believe you get to set your own values, rules and significance and my anklets are more symbolic to us than my fancy diamond wedding ring. Anklet always. Ring when it suits me/us.

Love the anklets powerful symbolism over the fancy diamond ring. Anklets forever!

Don't get me wrong. I love me some diamonds too. Rings, bracelets, necklaces. I'm a total jewelry whore. 😆 Just that an anklet is one of THE things I am never without. And yes, powerful symbolism... 🙏🏽

@steemed-open, I really loved reading the story of how you and @sean-king met. It takes me down memory lane to my own experiences.

We are about the same age and I get real reminiscent thinking about the good ol' days of the 1980s (Love the 80s high school photos - so many memories). I'm still waiting for 80s hair to come back.

It seems like so much rapid change has occurred in society in just the last 20 years alone. Some of it undoubtedly good but much of it sadly for the worse.

You are a beautiful couple. All the best!

Wow, lovely. Let me give you both some wine
giphy (2).gif

now thats a good bottle of somethin

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