Top 3 Reasons To Unschool (Home Education, Self-directed learning)

in #education7 years ago (edited)

There are so many reasons to unschool.  The most challenging part of writing this post was summarizing such vast numbers of reasons.  Anyway, here it goes.

Top image is from

1.  Reduce The Power Of The Parasite Class

School is mandatory for lots of reasons and every one of them works towards the objective of maintaining the power of the tiny minority that rules the globe (parasite class, scientific dictatorship, oligarchy, NWO, occultocracy, ruling class, etc.)      

How does public schooling harm children and maintain the power of the parasite class? In my opinion, the key aspect here is that a child learns obedience to authority in school.  School is literally an indoctrination center used to train young minds into authoritarianism.  Such training makes the population much easier to manage for the ruling class.    

Let’s take a look at the sheer number of hours a child is forced to spend in school.  On average, a child in the USSA will spend about 15,000 hours in school from kindergarten through high school graduation.  That’s nearly 2 years! (and that’s if they went to school non-stop for 15,000 hours straight, you get the point)

And who do they spend these 15,000 hours with and doing what exactly? Is that much time really necessary to teach reading, writing, math, science, and a little (skewed) history? Gimme a break. The schooling system has been formed by psychologists, social engineers, corporations, and bureaucrats.  And to what end? To train docile, obedient people who will be dependent cogs in the centrally planned global economy.    

Another aspect that is key to the control maintained by the occultocracy is information gathering and manipulation.  Remember all of those standardized tests we took in school? (and I know there are more now). Do you honestly believe that those records just go on the trash heap after a few years? I think a more logical conclusion seems to be that the data is used to form part of the personal/psychological profile for each individual in the cybernetic control grid that is being built.

I invite you to read up on Sentient World Simulation @

And also read about the Dept. of Defense’s (War Department) influence on “education” @

After combing through those 2 resources and connecting the dots, then I’m confident that we’ll share common ground in our conclusions.    
There are too many other details to get into just on this one reason not to school your child.  So let’s move on…..

2.  Give your child the opportunity for personal growth mentally and emotionally.

Children learn quite naturally.  They are naturally curious.  Learning at home presents a much more relaxed environment where they can study what interests them.  They also aren’t subjected to a fixed timetable like they are in schools.  Imagine, a bell rings in school, and then you have to stop thinking about the current subject and are forced to think about some other subject! Absurd!   
Schools also train young minds into certain beliefs, such as “global warming”, “statism”, “survival of the fittest”, etc. Hmmmm, do any public schools teach anarchy or any other philosophies that don’t revolve around dogma and authoritarianism? Not that I know of.  The point is that by self-directed learning, children can choose from a much broader spectrum of ideas without all the biased rhetorical garbage that is force-fed in public schools.   

Schools also make children memorize disconnected facts (and theories).  If the child regurgitates the facts and theories, they are rewarded.  If not, they are punished.  They’re trained through this reward and punishment method, called operant conditioning, to expect an external reward every time they “learn” something.  There’s no learning just for the sake of knowledge.  Operant conditioning also dulls the imagination.  Who would think outside the box if there’s no reward, right? At least, not after 15,000 hours of training…..

Critical thinking skills are also severely lacking in public schools.  Did you ever use the Trivium Method in school? I know I didn’t.  I didn’t even know what the Trivium was until I discovered Richard Grove’s Tragedy and Hope Media.

What about emotional well-being? Peer pressure is a terrible thing to be subjected to, especially at a young age.  Bullying can definitely cause emotional trauma that has long lasting effects.  Also, learning at home provides an environment to develop responsibility, confidence, self-respect, and self-reliance.  Which brings us to our third reason to “unschool”.

3.  Give your child a greater opportunity to achieve an independent livelihood.

Children who are educated at home (or engage in self-directed learning) have a high rate of creative and entrepreneurial pursuits when they reach adulthood.  Don’t believe me.  Check out this study @

In the study, they found an astonishingly high rate (well over half) of home educated people went on to creative and/or entrepreneurial pursuits.    

Do schools teach independence? No, they train people to be dependent and to conform.  How? Simple.  Children are trained that their success or failure is dependent on the reaction of the authority figure (teacher).    

There are numerous other reasons to home educate, but it’s far too vast for such a short blog post.  Here are some other education related resources which I’ve found useful and valuable.

Here are some steemit contributors who have done some interesting writing on unschooling and education.    


And last, but not least, a steemit member who is currently being unschooled! Congratulations! @thehomeschoolkid   

Thanks for your time and attention!


Good stuff man. Resteemed.

And this bit:

If the child regurgitates the facts and theories, they are rewarded. If not, they are punished. They’re trained through this reward and punishment method, called operant conditioning, to expect an external reward every time they “learn” something. There’s no learning just for the sake of knowledge. Operant conditioning also dulls the imagination. Who would think outside the box if there’s no reward, right? At least, not after 15,000 hours of training…..

Yep. Well said. And there is and should be a reward for learning, and that is the process itself, and what it helps each different individual to achieve and become according to their goals. Schools broadcast the message that learning is drudgery. Read these books and win a pizza! Because who would read books if you didn't get a prize!?

Glad to have you around, brother.


Yes, great conversation. I agree. If and when you leave ethics aside everything unravels/upside down!!


Thanks for the feedback man. Much appreciated. Keep up the great work! Cheers

More real education, to hell with indoctrination! :)

Well said! Thanks for the comment.

I love this. I love what you say about operant conditioning especially. This is the problem for me, the isolation and the decontextualization and the compartmentalization. Science in one room, geography in another, English in another and maths somewhere else. The cross-overs between these things allow us to innovate, to build new ideas and to create something from something we've never seen before. This right or wrong, reward and punishment drives kids into a cattle box and teaches them to think exactly the way everyone else does; that way they're controllable. Like cattle. Love this.

The school system is currently bad, I don't know the schooling system in the US very well but I guess it won't be that much better than here in Europe anyway.

But I think here goes the old saying: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by ignorance

I mean, if you have to deal with 20 kids every day, all day long it probably won't take you all that long to fall back to a more authoritarian system either ;P

Interestingly enough private elite schools are even worse in pretty much all aspects you mentioned. The very schools "the ruling class" sends their children too. Almost like they believe it's simply the best system to run a school and educate children.

On a side note when I was in public school we did learn about different systems like anarchy and all that kind of stuff actually

Thanks for the input. I'm curious, what sort of explanation was given regarding anarchy? I've never heard of it being mentioned, at least not in a positive light, in any public school system.

I don't remember the details as it's quite a while ago ;)
But I believe it was quite fair - I suppose it depends a fair bit on the teacher tho and I got quite lucky in that regard.
Also that was in Germany if that helps...

School costs too much money to learn nothing.

totally agreed with you.....

Thank-you for getting this information out there.
As you pointed out, my children are unschooled
and I wish more people knew about it and would consider it.

Hi, thanks CC. Yes, I feel that education outside of the state's influence is one of the key elements to helping the "liberty movement" make progress.

Absolutely, with internet on all you need to do is identify your interest and explore

I really wish I could school my children at home... So far I dont have great experience dealing with teachers and their education... I mean I learnt all about Henry the 8th and his wives at school but it didnt help me get a job, neither did learning about disecting living things!

Great post :)

Thanks, @whatalexdid! You mean nobody ever asked you about Henry VIII in a job interview? LOL. Yeah, memorizing all the presidents of the US in "history class" didn't help me, either.

Exactly my point, the stuff they teach you doesnt help in real world situations!! Here in the UK to take your kid out of school in term time you need permission... We got an opportunity to go to a place in the South of France where they teach kids the importance of hard work and some life lessons... We got denied permission from my kids school as they are too focused on getting their attendance figures as high as possible... It was ridiculous!!

Schools teach obedience and instill fear and mediocrity while killing creativity. Enough reasons not to send children to school. Great article!

Thanks for adding those salient points!

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