Learn to be modest from Rice

in #morgenseiten7 years ago (edited)


For the Indonesian population rice crops are the main crops in agricultural commodities, because in general the people of Indonesia make rice as a staple food everyday, in fact most of us eat 3 times a day, very fantastic.
Rice plants are widely known by our inhabitants, but there is little that makes the philosophy of rice crops a matter of study and reflection, whereas we are taught to follow the value of rice philosophy as the saying goes "Rice Science is increasingly increasingly bending down".
this simple phrase teaches us to always be humble, that is, the more we have the advantages, the advantages of the field of science, the wealth in the field of treasures, have great power we are told to increasingly humble themselves, do not apply arrogant, not rude, not arbitrary to others .
The value of this philosophy is taught by our ancestors so that we do not forget ourselves, who we are, from not having anything when we are born, we are all the same, just as poor, as weak.after we big new all goes according to fate, so there are rich, poor, weak, have power.
a grain of rice before before sowing the same, but after growing there are fertile so much fruit, and some are less fertile so little fruit.
as a comparison of the maxim of the proverb above mentioned "empty tin cans loud".
meaning that people who do not have knowledge science are all boasting, talking a lot without knowing what to talk about.
this is life, learning from nature is more important than studying in school., because nature teaches us what it is, without intervention from the author of the book, because nature is not the work of man.