in #walkwithme7 years ago

Hi steemians.... ini adalah sebuah kegiatan kami yang berprofesi sebagai konsultan dibidang Teknik Sipil; Kontruksi gedung, Bangunan air, dan Bangunan transportasi. Kami bekerja secara tim dengan kemampuan di bidang masing-masing. Adapun kegiatan yang akan saya uraikan disini adalah pembuatan Embung untuk memnuhi kebutuhan air dibidang pertanian ketika musim kemarau.

Hi steemians .... this is an activity of us who work as consultant in Civil Engineering; Building Construction, Water Building, and Transport Building. We work in teams with capabilities in their respective fields. The activities that I will describe here is making Embung to meet the water needs in the field of agriculture during the dry season.

Embung merupakan waduk berukuran kecil pada lokasi pertanian yang mempunyai fungsi untuk menampung kelebihan air hujan dimusim penghujan dan akan dimamfaatkan pada musim kemarau tiba. Pembentukan embung pada dasaranya adalah untuk mengairi lahan pertanian terutama pada musim kemarau.

Embung is a small sized reservoir on a farm site that has a function to accommodate excess rainwater in rainy season and will be utilized during in the dry season. The making of embung is to irrigate agricultural land especially in the dry season.

This is a documentation for the embung work process:
1. Site Survey and Observation

2. After doing a survey and then Make Estimation and Shop Drawing for the purpose when the process of embung work.

3. Start doing excavation ground using excavator



4. This is the Final conditions of the embung making process



Embung ini sangat berperan dilokasi yang minim aliran irgasi, meninjau saat ini sebagian besar desa di Indonesia memang masih menjadikan bidang pertanian sebagai tumpu dalam menghidupi ekonomi warga. Kurang lebih sebanyak 82% dari jumlah total desa di Indonesia hidup dari lahan pertanian. Dari jumlah itu sebagian besar baru bisa panen 1 kali dalam setahun dikarenakan kekurangan air.

Embung is very important for land that lack water, considering that most of the villages in Indonesia are still making the agricultural field as the base of supporting the people's economy. Approximately 82 % of the total village in Indonesia lives on farmland. Of that number most of the new harvest 1 times a year due to lack of water.

Oleh karena itu embung harus menjadi prioritas untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan air sehingga akan tercipta lompatan ekonomi karena mereka bisa meningkatkan volume dan hasil pertanian.

Therefore embung should be a priority in agriculture to create an economic leap as they can increase the volume and yield of agriculture.



Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Where does the aqueduct come from?
How long did it take to build?
Also, how do you disseminate the water to the agricultural fields from the pool?

That's a large Hitachi, those suckers are not cheap. May I ask how much it costs to complete this project in Indonesia?

For the water we use rain, ground water and from certain streams to be accommodated in the embung. the time required in the construction of this embung is 2 weeks. Water that is accommodated in the embung will be pass through to the farm when the dry season using the ground canal and water pump. for exavators Hitachi we rent at the exavator rental place, the cost of hiring and oprasional tools cost the range of 5 million Rupiah per day. for the whole of this project we spent 100 million rupiah.

Nyo ka lagak that pak ketua

Lage arahan kepala.... Mnyo salah neu dhet aju..

Ka maju nyo...

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