Writers Block and My 6 Tips To Over Come It .

in #life7 years ago (edited)

This applies to ALL people in any creative situation.

Whether your a painter, wood carver song writer or writer, we all have those times where your creative process just isn't working as good as it did before. This is very normal and temporary, trust me , I understand this out of experience. 

That is another part a lot of people don't associate with Writers Block , it comes with experience , as well as learning more and more how to handle it correctly, It happens to the best more often than you think. 

Today I'll be giving you some of my own subjective tips and out looks on how to over come Writers Block . 

                                                Tip One.

DON'T GIVE UP ! The first thing you need to remember as soon as you realize that your falling into a Writers Block, is to remember why you are trying to make or do what you are trying to do.What got you here in the first place? Why do you love doing what you are doing ? You must ask yourself these questions to remind yourself why you fell into the passion you are pursuing. It often times help because you realize why and what you love about what you are doing , maybe even discover another aspect of the passion that you might have not seen otherwise.


                                                Tip Two.

DON'T TRY TO HARD WHEN HAVING A HARD TIME. I've seen this countless times and even guilty of this myself, trying to push to hard when not in the right mindset to create. This doesn't happen to me to often because I've learned how to handle it. There is however, a difference between feeling stuck and grinding. One important thing you need to understand is that if we only worked when we are inspired, we would never get to where we want to be pursuing our passion. So there is a fine line between having writers block and being uninspired, grinding and getting the things done that you need to get done.

                                               Tip Three.

TAKE A BREAK. A lot of times we can get caught up in our passions, sometimes trying to hard and forgetting that what we are working on should be fun, that's one of the reasons we have passions and want to do them, right ? There is no shame in taking a day or two break to have a breather, get back in the mode and right mindset to then continue with what you're busy with.


                                                Tip Four.

LEARN MORE ABOUT YOUR CRAFT. If there is one very important thing I've learned about when it comes to making music, it's that there is always something new to be learned, no matter how experienced you may be, whether it be technical or about yourself. This stays true to any type of creative craft. So when you feel stuck in a rut, why not learn more about your passion ? I personally like to watch tutorials on YouTube about music production when I'm not making music, so even though I'm not making music, I'm still learning, and it could be something small that I learn , but hey , that's still more than if I didn't. Also, I'm not saying to always go watch videos, they are a super helpful tool, but watching videos all the time won't get done what you want done.

                                                Tip Five.

HUMAN INTERACTION. This might seem unrelated, but this is something very important. Most of the time, we coop ourselves up in our room/studio/garage etc. away from social situations and other people like friends or family. Now when working hard and being on the grind, this is a good thing, but when your stuck in a writers block, this is a very bad thing. I personally love my alone time, but then again I'm not an introvert, I enjoy being out and about talking with people and having a good time with my mates. What I found was that I feel less stressed when talking with my friends, I even find inspiration in the stress free and good vibe environment. It's sort of we get lost in our own worlds, when we step away from that, we get a slice of reality again , grounds us back to what's real and then from there it's easier to work. because of the relief.

                                                 Tip six.

JUST DO SOMETHING AT LEAST IF YOU FEEL YOU WANT TO. Last but for sure not least on the tips I have shared with you , Is that sometimes you should just do it ! What I mean by this is, is that with whatever your craft is, do what I would call, a side project. A side project can be anything, here is where the tip comes in. When you allow yourself to step away from the main project you are doing, you give yourself some freedom, with this , you can still work on your craft but in a unrelated project. This helps get those creative juices flowing, it makes you think outside of the box and maybe you make something even better that you wouldn't of if you didn't start the side project. because even though you might be feeling stuck, you can still work on your craft but expressing different emotions in the side project.

                                          There you have it !

Those are my 6 tips that can help you get out of Writers Block ! I hope that I can help and motivate some people with this , not being able to just work on your craft sucks, but do remember, it's all part of the experience. If you keep working hard, you will be able to overcome any problem and get done what you want to get done !  

Thank you so much for checking out my post ! If you have any questions , I'll be more than happy to answer any you may have . 
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Thanks for the tips :):) I've only just started writing however something like this could prove useful to me :) Ty!!

Sure thing man ! Glad to help for the future XD

Thank you some excellent tips.

I personally follow the Harlan Ellison method:

  • Writing 1000 words a night
  • Quit when you're hot, so you're not starting from a dead stop
  • Never finish the scene, unless you can finish the story.

What ever helps you get the work done you need done , do that yes !

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