The Camino de Santiago - Some history #part2

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

This is my travelogue about my Trip on the Road to Santiago!

You can find the other posts about my trip here:

The Camino de Santiago? An exceptional route - #part1

The Camino de Santiago - Some history #part2

My personal journey on the Cammino de Santiago #part3


The Camino de Santiago is the path of the paths. It includes all those trails that throughout the Middle Ages pilgrims from all over Europe traveled to go to the place of worship where the remains of the apostle San Giacomo lie. The journey was and is not only a religious phenomenon, but above all a social, cultural and knowledge of oneself and others phenomenon, as well as an artistic one. In fact, the birth and development of the path has been accompanied by the rise of monasteries, churches, chapels, albergues and hospitals in the countries crossed by pilgrims. Local and foreign artists contributed to the cultural and artistic enrichment of the countries and cities, demonstrating the cultural importance of this phenomenon.

After a few centuries of abandonment of the pilgrimage rite by the European Catholics because of the dangerous journey due to brigands, wars and diseases, in the second half of the twentieth century, from the seventies, the journey is reborn.


The French Way - declared a World Heritage by UNESCO in 1993 - is the route with the greatest historical tradition, the most well-known internationally and the most transited. The name comes from the fact that the four main sections of France come from: the Podense from Le Puy, the Lemovicense from Limoges, the Touronense from Tours and Tolosana from Toulouse. The first three go to the Iberian Peninsula from Orreaga / Roncisvalle, while the fourth arrives from Somport (Aragon).

The French Path runs approximately 720/790 kilometers (depending on the variants) on the Peninsula that presuppose from 25 to 31 stops on foot. Crosses the provinces of Aragon, Navarre, La Rioja, Burgos, Palencia, León, Lugo and La Coruña.

You can find the first post of the #CaminoDeSantiago series is here!

#Follow me to follow my adventures!


I was been in Spein 13 years ago and I love Santiago de Compostela, magic place.

Ciao fotoinviaggio! Italiano? :D è un posto magico ed è un'esperienza che sto consigliando a tutti! Che giro hai fatto?

Ciao Stella, si, italianissimo :)
Ho fatto un viaggio "on the road" di 3 settimane entrando in spagna da Andorra e visitando in sequenza: Lleida, Zaragoza, Pamplona, San Sebastian, Bilbao, Leon, Santiago de Compostela, Salamanca, Madrid, Toledo, Cordoba, Sevilla, Jerez de la Frontera, Cadiz, Malaga, Granada, Valencia e Barcelona. Bellissimo viaggio che mi porto ancora nel cuore dopo tanti anni.
Tu dove sei stata?

Bellissimo giro! Io sono stata a Barcellona anni fa, invece lo scorso anno ho fatto zaino in spalla da Santiago fino a Fisterre, che poi sarebbe il tratto finale del cammino di Santiago, quindi tutta la Galizia a piedi! una esperienza magnifica! è davvero una terra magica!

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