STEEMIT: With no fewer than 263,000 Accounts currently registered on STEEMIT, I am sticking with a Target of 650,000 at Year End, but we need more Marketing..!!
Recently I set a Minimum Target of 650,000 Accounts by the End of Year and I am sticking with it with one proviso that there is more Marketing.
STEEMIT has witnessed an explosion in the number of Accounts registered over the last 3 months and this explosion needs to continue to surpass the 650,000 minimum target set.
Currently there are no fewer than 263,000 Accounts registered on STEEMIT and I have extracted the growth seen in June and July as follows:
1st June - 18th July = 96,898 Accounts / 48 days = Average of 2,019 Accounts per day.
12th July - 18th July = 14,115 Accounts / 7 days = Average of 2,106 Accounts per day.
With 166 days to go to Year End, based on an Average of 2,019 Accounts per day, this would equate to approx. 600,000 Accounts in total.
Allowing for a continued exponential growth witnessed from April, May, June and July I would expect to see this exceed 650,000 Accounts.
However, there is one proviso and that is: Marketing and Promotion.
Marketing and Promoting STEEMIT will be critical over the next 6-12 months and this phase gets underway I feel it will be important that this is recognised.
The timing of taking any product to market is absolute vital and should coincide with Product Development.
It does not matter what the product is, the principle is exactly the same, with a window of opportunity that ties into the demand from the market.
I strongly believe that the demand is there and with right Marketing and Promotion Campaign it would be like picking cherries of a tree..!!
So, is 650,000 Accounts achievable at the End of the Year?
Absolutely 100% ..... with more Marketing..!!
Thanks again for reading.
Latest Promotional Flyer that will soon be distributed at U.K. Festivals and Concerts.
That is all I do is spread the word about Steemit.
We need active users that are producing good content, ANDDDDD bringing money to the platform. (That is what helps it grow)
That's a massive growth but I have one suggestions who are marketing this platform. I myself is of the view that this community is not for everyone, we should inform creative, enthusiastic people about this community and not to those who will get messages from steamcleaners and cheeta!
oh - how I missed it in holidays..... Stephens cryptocurrency teletext :)
hahaha..... I may have to plug in the "Stephens Cryptocurrency Teletext Floppy Disc".. and do some good old fashioned Old School reporting..!! hahaha. Stephen
More marketing!
Here is a marketing effort that I am facilitating, which seems to have a lot of overlap with what you are doing. If you could let me know how many flyers you hang up in your area before the end of this month - I will count them towards the goal :)
I totally believe that we the community should do our best to help promote STEEMIT, tell your friends tell your family... why are we making the fat cats like facebook and instagram richer - STEEMIT shares the wealth amongst its user base - once people understand that im sure we can decentralise social media and we can all share in its success. By using facebook we are essentially giving up our rights and all our personall infomation so they can make money from advertisers, as a facebook advertiser myself its quite scary how much info they hold on you!
what about referral system ?
i think if steem it have referral it will get more users quickly
I am not a massive fan of a referral system. Never have been. I strongly believe that the correct way is the Crowdsourcing route proposed. Stephen
Glad to hear that. Referral systems have two major drawbacks: it creates an incentive to spam, so people will see steemit in a negative light, and it diverts people's attention away from creating good content. If people think they can make money by referring others, before you know it we have many users who only put energy in getting more affiliate reward instead of writing and curating.
"If people think they can make money by referring others, before you know it we have many users who only put energy in getting more affiliate reward instead of writing and curating."
....I could not agree more. This is EXACTLY why I have never been a fan of a referral system for STEEMIT. For me the Marketing and Promotion HAS TO BE the Crowdsourced Route and nothing else. Thank you for the contribution. I appreciate it. Stephen
Glad to hear that. Referral systems have two major drawbacks: it creates an incentive to spam, so people will see steemit in a negative light, and it diverts people's attention away from creating good content. If people think they can make money by referring others, before you know it we have many users who only put energy in getting more affiliate reward instead of writing and curating.
edit: oops, double posted. I guess eSteem was acting up. Apologies
Shared on twitter. Stephen
Recently watched on Twitter. Itz amazing that steemit is reaching at new heights in a very short span of time.want to be a regular user of it.hope it will be of help to me in near future.
I'm sure that if we get 1Million users This will take the price Up, I have some experience in the stocks market and this will be a good marketing when all crypto news talk about the price and 1million anniversary, then we can get thousend of new user daily and will effect on the price for the long run @stephenkendal
Everyone I talk to about steemit just looks at me with a confused look on their face. Yes we need a good marketing campaign, I love the idea of the referral system @laxeno but would need to be well thought through. Thanks for sharing.