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in #01ilhtgwu4 years ago

Rockstar previews major updates for Red Dead Online and GTA V Online

"Rockstar plans to release major updates for the online components of both Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption II this summer. The content stream starts with a "massive" update for Red Dead Online that players will be able to download on July 28th.  Roc…"


ポケモンGO Festイベント、ウォッシュロトムと色違いアンノーンが出現確認。ロトム入手方法はGOスナップショット

" 7月25日朝10時から始まる夏イベント Pokemon GO Fest で、初登場のポケモン『ロトム』とアンノーンの色違いが出現することが分かりました。"


Comcast is bringing back G4TV in some form

" Long defunct cable television network G4 is returning sometime in 2021, according to a teaser posted on Friday afternoon (via Variety). The one-minute video doesn't provide many details of what we can expect from the network moving forward.  We nev..."


ワイプみたいにホーム画面に表示⁉生まれ変わったウィジェットの使い方:iPhone Tips【iOS 14パブリックベータ】

" この秋リリース予定のiOS 14では、ウィジェットのデザインが一新され、表示サイズを変えたり、ホーム画面に表示したりできるようになりました。今回はより便利になったウィジェットの活用方法を紹介しましょう。"


Epic Games CEO speaks out against Apple, Google app store 'monopoly'

" Tim Sweeney, CEO of Fortnite developer Epic Games, criticized Apple and Google for having an “absolute monopoly” on app stores in a Friday interview with CNBC. There aren’t many viable options for distributing mobile software outside the Apple App Store and …"


1998年7月25日、長く使われた人気OS「Windows 98」(日本語版)が発売されました:今日は何の日?

"パソコンブームで広く普及したWindows 95の後継として登場したのが、「Windows 98」。 このWindows 98の日本語版が発売されたのが、1998年の今日です。"


The big tech antitrust hearing with Google and Apple has been delayed

" The House Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee has postponed the July 27th hearing that would have seen the CEOs of Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google testify before Congress. In a notice posted online, the panel did not provide a reason for the delay, nor did it…"


The NBA will use Microsoft Teams to virtually seat fans courtside

" When the National Basketball Association (NBA) restarts its season on July 30th, it will use Microsoft Teams to recreate the atmosphere of a packed arena without any fans physically present. As part of its ongoing partnership with Microsoft, the league plans …"


How it feels to survive Silicon Valley and a pandemic

" It shouldn’t feel like it took a pandemic to get Twitter to boot 7,000 QAnon accounts (and crack down on 150,000 more related to the violent conspiracy group), but it does. At least Twitter is doing harm mitigation around its role in this interconnected disas…"


Beebo is basically a modular synth in guitar pedal form

" When I reviewed the ZOIA, I said there was nothing else quite like it on the market. And that’s still largely true, but the Beebo from Poly Effects is at least a close relative. It’s, in theory, a “multi modulation pedal” for your guitar. But, in reality, it’…"



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