The bottom line is .......Content.....

in #conscious7 years ago

At times when we have everything in our life, we aspire for something more, particularly better than the present status, and in the pursuit of achieving something better than what we already have, we ended up losing everything, and sometimes life get miserable to the extent of a beggar. Why so....dont we listen to the omen.....every fallout before happening gives a potential warning and/or signs....if we are conscious ones then we can definitely catch up those vibes, but we get so paranoid in the dreamland that we did not listen to those vibes and after a fallout we just keep on repenting....then we think of....should or would have.....!!! Life is all about contentment not about comparison, if we rise from our own dilemma of visualizing happiness in more practical way then i think we always would be on the right side....i think for all these to happen and to keep the adversity on a check we need to enhance our conscious level.WholeFoodsMarket-Lynnfield11.jpg


Winsome, keep it up, you will reach your goal

Thanks buddy.....

Well written!

The human desire for more doesn't stop, isn't it? If we start enjoying what we have along with working to achieve what we desire, the world will be a lot better place..

Yes absolutely....we miss something only when we lose better if we proactively value what we have then life we will be far more easier and happier....

Beautiful ph