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RE: The Housing Bubble Will Be The Grandest of All Bubbles

in #economics6 years ago

Sell high, buy low....... real estate is buying high and then POP you're under water when all this goes down. I saw something on world population somewhere that said that if you built 4 bedroom houses close together(and I forget the actual dimensions per house but you'll get the gist) and put the whole world population in 4's in each house that everyone would fit inside the State of Texas? I'll try and find it but it's been a while. I thought that was very interesting based on "over populated" world figures. We also hear all the time how the world can't provide for the population? That's all based on us fighting for everything all the time IMO and more so on the currencies around the world that are involved in everything. The world can more than supply the needs for all the people and many more if only we changed our ways and worked together but greed and control has been around for a very long time unfortunately. Sorry for the rant....... back to the matter at hand..... buying a house fight now may hurt you unless you love it and plan on being there for a long time. Me, unless I found my dream home, I'd rent and wait till prices come down.

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