Faraday's Law of ElectroMagnetic Induction -- Where are We Today? -- Hoverboard, Trains and....

in #history8 years ago


Faraday's Discovery

On August 29, 1831, Michael Faraday demonstrated his new discovery of Electromagnetic Induction in a public demonstration of this experiment. Faraday's experiment showed that an electrical current could be produced when changing the magnetic field of an electrical conductor. It was then known that an electrical current produced an electromagnetic field around the conductor, and Faraday demonstrated that the reverse was also true. James Clerk Maxwell turned Faraday's experiment into mathematical theory and would be known as Faraday's Law of Induction.

This is a great video that explains
Faraday's discovery as well
as has a pretty cool demonsration on levitation.

Video Source: Veritasium

Early in the 1900's there were patents filed for "floating train" on magnets but it would not become practical until 1985 when Britain ferried the first public passengers on a Magnetic Levitating train from the Birmingham Airport to the Birmingham Train station. This proved the viability of Electromagnetic Levitated (MAGLEV) trains for public transportation. Japan and Germany would then pursue MagLev trains in their countries. Other countries would also develop MAGLEV trains but Japan is now the World leader in MAGLEV transportation holding speed records for manned (603 km/h (375 mph)) and unmanned trains (550 km/h (340 mph)).

Japan's World Record setting MAGLEV train

The 1989 classic movie Back to the Future II and Marty McFly's memorable scene when he jumps onto a hoverboard and "skates/hovers" away to escape a confrontation with Biff became reality in 2013 when Greg Henderson created his first hoverboard prototype called the Hendo Hover. The Hendo Hover company continues to produce innovative designs, and in 2015 gained a new competitor. The Lexus Motor company announced that they had a hoverboard similar to Marty McFly's and the Hendo Hover. The Lexus Slide hoverboard also works through magnetic levitation. Both the Hendo Hover and the Lexus Slide are being tested by Pro Skaters but neither is currently available for purchase.

Source: Wikimedia.org

Source: Lexus Intl

There are many future uses for MAGLEV technology that will be available to the public soon. There are devices that will levitate your drink and others that will charge your Iphone or Smartwatch while it levitates. The OvRCharge by AR Designs will charge your Iphone while it is levitated and Mag-LevAudio is hoping to bring a Vinyl Record player that uses MAGLEV technology in their turntable. China is planning to continue with MAGLEV for the their public transportation. They are currently building a MAGLEV train that could potentially top out at an impressive 373 mph/600kmh. While the HYPERLOOP's design has not been finalized, current ideas include using magnetic levitation. A group of students from the University of Cincinnati recently demonstrated a design concept for a HyperLoop pod that uses magnetic levitation. Their 14 foot pod lifted off the ground about a 1/4 of an inch (6.35 mm) and their prototype will be competing against 30 other entries. 1200 teams submitted their ideas and designs, but only 30 made it to the second round of the International Hyperloop competition hosted by SpaceX and Elon Musk.

U. of Cincinnati's Hyperloop Pod Entry
Credit: Jay Yocis/University of Cincinnati

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Picture #1 - Kickstarter
Picture #2 - Wikimedia


This is a super cool post! You sure get my upvote, thanks and namaste :)

Glad you enjoyed that @eric-boucher I know I found that first video fascinating with the levitating aluminum.

Fascinating in deed! Thanks again, namaste :)

This topic will be the new norm soon enough... thanks @streetstyle

Thank you @kyusho for your support and interest.
full $teem ahead!