Steemit engagement challenge season 13 week 2||Do you know the true meaning of Celtic hellowvin celebration||steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Venezuelalast year
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Welcome to my post I am @sualeha from Pakistan it's pleasure for me to participate in wonderful engagement challenge season 13 in week 2 in #steemvenezuela community with very interesting topic about Hellovin celebration his origin and believes associated so guys let's share my participation post and my perception about that day I hope you all being with me till end.

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🎃 What do you think is the origin of a Halloween party?

Well I am from Pakistan in my country no Halloween party or celebration activities happened,but I love to see the traditional celebration of this day as my poor knowledge 31 October of every year people celebrate that day it's symbolized by 👻 and scary things, usually market face on pumpkins 🎃 and tricks and tricks activities and at night big party in which people wore different scary costume's.


The celebration also market the Autumn season from winter season,the origin of this celebration Celtic folklores and traditionan,the people believed that on the day the souls of the different creatures death again come in our world,the return back to there homes for visit and meet there family,and all these spirits having abilities would know our future.well basically it's a traditional celebration day and many people of the countries celebrate festival.

🎃 Do you have any beliefs associated with this “Halloween” celebration?


Well !!!!! I don't believe in what they believe regarding the celebration of Halloween. as a Muslim, this celebration is not teaching of Islam they all false according to our relegion point of view the after death sprits never returned back home and they had no power so the reason that they had created a belief and worship through offerings dead spirits which they believed would bring miracles to the Celtic priests. I had little knowledge about that traditional day my younger sister lived in Canada after marriage that's why she saw all there celebration and sent me pictures of party held on there kids school .


🎃 Have you ever had a paranormal experience with this date?

Well unfortunately no because I am from Pakistan and in my country no hellovin celebration happened I would love to see all of these celebration .


As I said my sister lived in Canada she told me about that day and hellowvin part at his kids school ,they wore different scary coustumes and played trick or treating activities and got fun whole day .

[All images are my property from my phone gallery 😊]

I hope you like my blog ,to finish I would like to invite my friends
to participate in wonderful contest and share there fabulous entries in steemit engagement challenge.

it's pleasure for me to being with me will be right back soon with my new blog till then take care your self and your love once 💓💓Allah Hafiz🦋

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Gracias por su participación.

Gracias por ser parte de la Comunidad Oficial Steem Venezuela, tu publicación ha sido recompensada por La cuenta Comunitaria @teamvenezuela de la Comunidad Oficial Steem Venezuela.

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Hola amiga 👋

Muchas personas son tan supersticiosas que creen eso que dices que las almas de los difuntos el día de halloween regresaban a casa por eso encendían velas dependiendo la cantidad de difuntos que había en cada familia, los comerciantes son los que han aprovechado la época para hacer sus ventas.

Fue un placer leerte éxitos en el concurso 🤗

Sometimes we as Muslims may not exist in the largest Muslim country in Muslim history, there will always be when everyone will feel very happy in everyday life. maybe as a Christian believe that there is but I as a Muslim never do things and Halloween parties... Best wishes in this contest

Thanks dear for your valuable feedback on my post.Greetings