#club75 || The Diary Game ✍️ || It was a busy day to me as I attend our LGA environment

in Steem Ghana2 years ago


Hello greetings from my end of today, how was you all work went? This evening I appreciate you all with my diary game participation post.
Very early morning I woke up around 4:30am I went and prepare my breakfast meal which was rice before rounding up what I was doing it was already 🌞 sunset

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I took my bath dress up and moved down to my village motor pack, I entered a motor that we cary me down to my city LGA where I we do my second SIM NIN, before our motor moved the driver asked if I have my cash hand or I we need some change, I respond that I am with ₦500 then we drived out, before getting their it was 10am and many that work at the NIN office have not come yet, I wait till 10:30am more people were coming after some time the person who register us then came and start his work.



After all my time at that NIN office I went outside and moved around my LGA environment with my friend's, I took some snaps 📸 of beautiful flowers 🌹with modded officer man, this has been here for over many years back






On my way coming out from our LGA environment I bought some copping thing's, as I was outside the gate the I stopped a motor man and paid ₦500 for him to take me to my village market were I entered morning motor



I was at home around 2:30pm my people was enjoying some fruit eating been cucumber I join the and that was what I used as my lunch


It was cool evening my people prepared a delicious yam food, I eat and went to my brother house to tell him about my today movement that I make because of my second SIM NIN registration number, I was at his house till when he on his generator then I charged my phone


Back to my house it was already 11pm I start my diary writing ✍️ thanks all that was how I spent my beautiful day good night all see you guys tomorrow.

 2 years ago 

The flowers are all beautiful. Nice nice diary you have shared. Steem on!

Thanks boss for appreciating my work

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