The Story of Guha Tujoh in Mysterious Aceh Pidie

in #history5 years ago (edited)

At one time in the land of Aceh, there were seven young men who intended to perform the pilgrimage to Mecca. But they have no money at all to cover the trip. The seven young men then consulted.
"O my brother, do you have any idea how we can get to Mecca?" Asked one of the young men to his colleagues.

Long time no one answered. All are silent a thousand languages. And, in the end the young man suggested, "How about we go to the city, where the ship will be anchored which will be carrying pilgrims."

"What will we do there, O my brother? We don't have money. "Another young man answered. The atmosphere was quiet again. Even though they really miss their Lord. Worship directly in front of the Kaaba. In Makkah Al-Mukarramah.

In the silence, another young man gave an idea. "What if we ask the ship owner for work. In return we don't need to be paid, as long as we can go to Mecca. "The idea was also welcomed by the other six youths.

Rice and side dishes are then prepared as provisions for their journey from their hometown in Timur Pedir to the city in Kutaradja. A walk that takes five days. The seven young men did not even have money to buy horses.

Not trying, they have tried to hitch a ride to other would-be pilgrims who go to the city by horse-drawn carriage. But no one is willing to give a ride.

Finally they left with all the possible risks that they were ready to face. Moreover, to get to the city must travel up and down the mountain. Passing steep hills and dense forests to shorten the mileage.

It is quite possible that wild animals will pounce on the seven young men. But since the intention to perform the pilgrimage appears, the body and soul have been let go back to their Lord.
They are also willing to work on ships without getting paid, even though the trip to Mecca must take months. Day and night. With sometimes large waves and erratic wind direction.

The peak of the pilgrimage will be held in the month of Dhul-Hijjah every Hijri year. According to the news they heard, the ship bound for Makkah would sail at the beginning of the Sya'ban month. "Let's go, O brothers!" It was the third week of the month of Rajab.

A young man is appointed as a leader. They wear white clothes. Provisions that have been wrapped into seven parts are placed on each shoulder with a wooden stick support.

They then go hand in hand. Day in and day out. The sun has set five times. But the seven young men had not yet reached the city. While the provisions they carry are running low. Only left side dishes without rice. While energy began to weaken.

One of the young men fell ill. His body was shivering and hot. But one thing the seven youths never forgot; perform the five daily prayers on time, with directions from the body's shadow during the day. They were also grateful there were no wild animals that interfere during the trip.

"O my brother, the sun has set five times and six times it has risen, but we have not yet reached the city. I'm afraid we are lost in the middle of this wilderness. "The young man's statement made his other colleagues aware. Apparently the young man crossed a line with chalk every time the sun sets and rises on his wooden stick. He realized while counting the number of lines.

The seven young men finally consulted and decided to rest for a while. "Look, O my brother, there seems to be a settlement. Look at the smoke!"
"Yes, O my brother. Looks like we can find help there and ask for a plate of rice for our colleague who is sick, "said a young man.

"But who will go there? Whereas we must share the task of finding sources of springs, firewood and fruits from edible forest trees. Not to mention looking after our sick colleagues, "said another young man. "Besides, the journey to the source of the smoke must go down a steep hillside."
"What if I'm alone there." The young man who was appointed as a leader offered himself. The proposal was finally agreed on.

One of them was assigned to look after a sick colleague. Two people look for firewood and supplies from edible forest trees. The other two go to look for springs.

And, the five young men left to carry out their respective duties. A young man goes down to the village in the direction of the smoke in shabby clothes. Steep hills and bodies that start to be scratched by spiky rocks to bleed are not obstacles. What he had in mind was how he could get a plate of rice, so that his colleague recovered quickly and could continue his journey to the city.

"Our thanks to You, Lord." Only that sentence was spoken on his lips when he saw the settlements. There are many people gathered in a house. "I have to go there. Looks like there is a celebration. "Whispered the young man in his heart.
"Sorry, ladies of heaven. Is there a celebration there? "He asked, looking down. At that time he met with a group of mothers.

"In the mansion that belongs to the nobleman?" A mother dressed in a round stick asked, sarcastically. "Are you sure you want to go there?" Another mother asked again with eyes that wiped out the appearance of the young man, from toe to toe.

"Please leave, ladies." The young man finally hurried away. Avoid prejudices that might arise.
He arrived at the destination house. He greeted those who attended the celebration event politely. "May I have a plate of rice? Our friend is sick in the middle of the forest there.

"The young man looked around. Guests present with gold jewelry on his body. Bowls, forks, and spoons are all gold plated.

He saw people watching him while closing his nose. Not long after, a landlord suddenly left. But instead of giving food, instead expel him.

"Go! The celebration event was not held. You have screwed it up. There is no rice for shabby-looking people like you, "the owner snapped. "You know that only those from the nobility are allowed to set foot in this house."

Finally the young man returned empty-handed. Remembering his colleague who was sick and craved food. He returned to the mountain with an uncertain feeling and listless face.

When he arrived, the other four young men had returned and successfully carried out their respective duties. Only he did not succeed.
"Why are your faces listless, O my brother?" Asked the young man who was sick.

"Sorry, O my brother, I did not succeed in carrying out this task properly."
"Do not be sad, O my brother. Behind the obstacles and disasters we face, maybe God has planned something that is best for us and His other servants."

Day finally changes night. Sleep the seven young men with a makeshift base. Until the crescent just above the young man who had come down to the village, he still could not sleep. Just close the makeshift eyes. As a leader, he felt he had failed. He then rose and performed the midnight prayer. Ask God for help. "O my brother, go back down to the village of Laweung Pedir. If you find that the houses there have been turned into caves with stones in the form of stiff rice, beds, aisle and various other forms, enter the cave.

Choose seven caves for each of you. Worship and worship your Lord. If you are sincere, believe me, your Lord never sleeps and you will be shown the way to Mecca. "An Aulia suddenly entered the dream of the young man who was praying to his Lord.

"But before that, preach in the way of your Lord. You must not leave people in error."

Every time Aulia said her words, in her sleep on the prayer mat in love with her Lord, the young man felt that the earth was shaking violently and a loud boom was blaring everywhere.

The morning sun was just dawning. Worship and worship praise God after it has been fulfilled. The young man who last night dreamed of meeting Aulia, his Lord turned around. Sitting in a circle among six other young men.

He then told the dream to his brothers. With trembling lips, standing neck hair, and a heart full of confidence in the power of his Lord.

"We believe that is a hint from Him," said a young man, as soon as he finished listening to the story.

"Yes, I'm also sure," said another young man. Finally the young man agreed to go down to the village. Moreover, a colleague who had been sick had returned to health. How surprised the seven young men were when they discovered that the settlements that had once stood large houses had turned into more than 30 caves.

"Where are the inhabitants of this village, O my brother?"Asked one of them.
"Let's look around!" Invited another young man.

So, the seven young men went down every corner of the village of Laweung. Until finally they found residents of the group of children in one of the caves protected by hanging stones. Antigravity stone without support.

The children are then led out of the cave. None of them knows what happened. The children only remembered, the night before they had slept in their respective homes, and when they awoke they were already in the cave.

Together with the children, the seven young men continued walking. Down each side of the cave to the hillside. They finally found also villagers from the group of men and women adults. Everything is shivering and scared. Enclosed in the leaves of forest trees.

The seven young men approached toward the group of adult men. The children just stared at where they stood. Villagers then told me about what happened last night. The earth shakes violently, the night is pitch black, and those who run helter-skelter save themselves.

"Blessed be the Lord who has taken care of all of us and the children who are still pure." The seven young men unceasingly worshiped the Creator.
In parallel, they then moved from the hillside. How shocked the villagers were when they saw that their house had turned into caves carved into the beautiful asthma of their Lord.

Instantly, praise to God sounded great. "Forgive us, O lovers of God and heirs of the Prophet!" Said one of the villagers. "Forgive our rude and unfriendly behavior."
"Please forgive God. We have forgiven all of you. "

In the following days, the seven young men lived in Laweung Pedir village. Preaching and teaching villagers from children to adults, reading and understanding the words of his Lord. Digest their Prophet's words, so that they know what God commands and what is prohibited.

The sun continues to spin on its axis. Counted 120 times rising and setting already. Past Sya'ban, Ramadan, victory day in the month of Shawwal, until Dhulkaidah. Now comes the month of Dhul-Hijjah. Longing month.

Farewell the seven young men to the villagers. Go worship and worship their Lord in the cave. Find your way to Makkah.

Istikharah prayer was fulfilled. After that they chose their own cave to be occupied. Without having to counsel. Without fighting over each other. God has inclined their hearts.

Each of them carried a wooden stick that was stuck in the ground as a sign of the time of prayer. Refers to the shadow of the sun created by his Lord. Light penetrates through the cracks in the cave wall.

They worship and honor their Lord with sincerity. Until the seventh day the young man was in the cave, heard an echo, "Labbaik allahhumma labbaik." Awakened the villagers who were asleep in sleep.

The bright moon, the twinkling stars, give a bright light to participate in seeing what really happened. The villagers agreed to look at the cave in seven parts. While worshiping their Lord, they continued walking. The echo of "Labbaik allahhumma labbaik" is increasingly heard clearly.
But, to the surprise of the villagers, none of them could see the seven young men. Only a wooden stick still stuck in its place.

Once upon a time, word spread throughout the land of Aceh about seven young men who went to Mecca after worshiping and worshiping their Lord in the cave at Laweung Pedir.

So, flock among other residents of the land of Aceh to imitate the same thing. But, instead of getting protection from their Lord to get to Mecca, they instead came out of the cave they entered with various conditions and forms.

There is a reddish whole body. There are also faces and inert eyes. Nothing works. Waiting for the inhabitants in front of the seven caves. Hoping to be able to meet the seven young men if one day returns home. But, day by day. Night changes day. Day returned to night. The awaited never returned.

One night, the seven young men then came through the dream of a resident. They ordered, "O servants of God, you don't need to wait for us to return. Do not you also imitate a job where you do not have the knowledge for it. Demand all of you in the path of your Lord, not to get lost in the realm of this life. "

The message was then sent to other residents. They also finally became aware that God would exalt believers and people who were given some degree of knowledge. That's how God takes care of his Aulama.

Dah, gitu aja...


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