Happy Thai Mother's Day - 🇹🇭🍼steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago

Hi Steemit Friends,

Every 12 of August here in Thailand is considered Mother's Day as it is the birthday of our beloved queen. I don't get get to see my mom everyday. I moved out and left for university when I was 18 but if I ever wanted to visit my parents, I could just hoop on a 1 hour flight back to home.



In Thailand on Mother's Day we give jasmine flowers to our mothers.

Why does it have to be Jasmine?

-Jasmine is easy to find according to Thailand geography and weather.

-The propitious feature of jasmine that give people the sense of purity and amenity.

-The nature of jasmine, which is the long last smell and all year blossoming, represents the love of a mother to her child.

-The property of healing and heart restoration of jasmine represents the mother's care on a child.

-The meaning of jasmine is ''You are the only one I love the most'' or ''You are the magnificent one for me''.


On this special occasion, I want to share to you guys on what a wonderful mother I have got.

As you all may know by now my mom is 100% Thai upbringing and all.

I know many of you wonder how are Asian moms different from the rest of the world. The answer in my opinion is they aren't. Everyone is different and has different thought and values. We might have some traditional trails we follow here. I can't speak for all because I own experienced one Asian mom. But I can share what I know.


Yes, Totally. When I was young I wasn't allowed to go out at night or attend house parties with boys or anything that isn't parental control. I was sent to a all girls school and wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend until I graduated high school. At the time it was annoying but thinking back, that was the right to do. As many teenagers don't make good choices for themselves and putting the least risk for your kids is what many parents do. This has nothing to do about my mom being Asian but the environment and the society here makes it easier to control as the majority are expected to not be wild at such a young age and is looked down in some ways if parents just give their children free-will to whatever.


As my father would give an inspirational talk to push and give me that drive, my mom would pressure me that if I didn't get this or that done I would lose such. I think it's was just a good cop bad cop theory of theirs. If both parents was just supportive or both were just pressurizing it isn't the way to get things done. Let's just say that my mom did a good performance in that part because there were times that I felt like if I didn't get this done she'd kill me. >~< My mom just wanted me to do my best. She didn't care what grades I got and never called me stupid if I got a lower grade or anything but if she saw me lacking from what I could put in, she would make sure I go all in.

In my case I think both of my parents balance it out because they are from different cultures but they are open minded and explore things. It's funny sometimes I catch my mom being so dope and western minded like yes "Go get that belly ring it's cute" ..O_O...as in some occasions I see my dad being so protective and conservative Asian style especially with boys.

I hope all of you cherish your time with your mothers, family and great friends as we know nobody lives forever. ❤️

Have an awesome day!!!!

Much love,


Very Pretty <3

Happy Mother's day Awesome Post [Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.]

สุขสันต์วันแม่แห่งชาติ 💞

In our country, Mother's Day is on 8th of March. How cool would it be if everyone on the planet would celebrate something like this on the same day? P.s: Happy mother's day! Upvoted. - #Padre

Yes i Agree !! I dont understand why don we just celebrate it all on the same day !!, Maybe it's better though... Thinking of how it would be to travel if everyone was doing it on the same day... New years and Christmas are hard
enough !! 0-0

Sweet mother I wont forget you for all your suffering to bring me up right. When am hungry, you will do everything possible to feed me. When am sick, you will lap me and cover me with you wrapper. How can I forget you sweet mother? No! No! Hell No, I wont. Happy Thai mother's Day.

I followed u, upveted and resteemed. Pls follow back.

Aweee That is so sweet !! All true, All true... sometimes People forget to appreciate who gave them the life they got.

Happy Mother's Day to your Mom @suerisue!
That's such a great picture and I'm sure you've made her proud :)

No hands are warmer than yours, Mom,
No more beautiful and sweet souls.
And day and night I will not tire of
praying for your fate.

Let the sadness pass by, The
yearning for you does not know the way.
Be young, unique.
Always healthy, Mom, be.

Happy Mother's Day, dearest.
I will not find the words to
describe you, Mama,
How much I love you.

good massage. Thanks for sharing our tradition to the world. Hope you and your 👪 have a good day.

Thank you for your lovely comment !! :)

Beautiful post , and happy mother's day to all mom's around the world , so true to the fact that nobody lives forever </3 . I love the meaning of the jasmine flower and now think that it truly fits a mom

It's great to hear that you celebrate mother's day like that! I love the flower idea and all the background behind it! It seems like your parents did a good job, the good cop bad cop theory must work pretty well haha
Happy Mother's Day and enjoy your time together :)

Hahah Thank you !!! Come back to Thailand soon !!!!!

Happy mother's day to beautiful Thai ladies!

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