Macrophotography - Schizophyllum commune atau jamur gerigit - Part 5

in WORLD OF XPILAR5 months ago


Today, I will show you again the type of mushroom Schizophyllum commune or gerigit mushroom that I have found in the Aceh forest, this type of mushroom is not exactly the same as the type of mushroom in other parts.

This type of mushroom, in the picture you can see, on the outside it looks like a layer of skin like smooth velvet with the main sheet part of 7 parts that expand upwards.

Just like other mushrooms, this type also relies on dry tree branches, with high water content, so, this mushroom looks very beautiful growing and developing every year.

Below are some photos that I took with a macro lens, I hope you enjoy seeing them at home with your family.,





That's all I can say, I hope it's useful.





Assalamualaikum bg , lon nak tanyeng, beu muncul ata bak gareh mirah nyoe kiban cara jih bg. Mohon penjelasan jih bg, makasih🙏🙏

walaikum sallam

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Oke bang, cara meningkatkan itu bagaimana bg.