It might be one of those nights ... we might start dropping like flies!

in #sick7 years ago (edited)

My wife is a great cook, and she made an incredible dinner like usual. Not only were our 5 kiddos around the dinner table, but we also shared the evening with some friends.

Then the dominos started to fall. My oldest and I were spent some time in the bathrooms. An hour later, kiddo #3 was throwing up. It seems like it might be one of those nights. You know the kind, a night when everyone gets sick.

Our family of 7 loves to share, but illness is one of those things I try not to pass along.

My wife ran to pick up some sickie essentials:

  • Sprite
  • Ritz crackers
  • ingredients for chicken noodle soup

We are preparing now because tomorrow promises to be another icy day in Southwest Missouri.

We would appreciate your thoughts, prayers, and/or suggestions on how to get better (or even better how to keep from getting even sicker).


Your Turn

Let continue the conversation.

  1. Does your family like to share illness?
  2. How do you prevent from passing along germs and viruses?
  3. What are your family traditions to treat an upset stomach?
  4. Which family member can you not afford to have sick? Hands down if my wife is sick then our life grinds to a standstill.

Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to hearing from you.


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@sumatranate may God heal and help any sick member of your family.. to answer your questions.

1: my family rarely share sickness, although it has occurred twice if i can remember but it was a long time ago when we generally had flu and also typhoid.
2:##### Get Vaccinated
The single best way to prevent the flu is to get a flu vaccine each season.

Avoid close contact.

Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too.

Stay home when you are sick.

If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when you are sick. This helps prevent spreading your illness to others.

Clean your hands.

Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs using alcohol-based hand sanitizers

Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

Germs are often spread when a person touches a surface or object that is contaminated with germs and then touches his/her eyes, nose, or mouth.

Clean and disinfect surfaces or objects.

Cleaning, disinfecting surfaces and objects that may be contaminated with germs like the flu can help slow the spread of influenza.

3: to treat an upset stomach we use natural remedies, like water from bitter leaves.

4: can't afford to have any member of the family sick, i love them all

@stevendion, thanks for the suggestions and kind words.

We have received flu vaccines this year, but it does not seem to help much where we live. My wife is always making sure that our house is clean. We encourage our kiddos to wash their hands often. But since our family is so young and so big, sometimes germs get shared.

I appreicate you stopping by and adding to the conversation. Until we meet again!

Thank goodness we’ve not had any flu around here in a few years. It’s usually my husband who gets it, and since he’s our bread winner, we can’t afford to have him down! If anyone around here gets sick, I quarantine them completely, they even get the hall bathroom all to them selves. I’m the only one who enters the room they’re in and I’m careful not to spread their crud around the house.
When flu or stomach bugs hit our house, we make chamomile tea with lemon balm, mugwort and sometimes echinacea. They’re good antimicrobials, good for calming the stomach and echinacea is a good one for prevention and treatment of flu and cold.
No one else in the family wants any when they’re sick to their stomach, but grape juice and oyster crackers are my go to. It’s always smell that has me grabbing a receptacle, and grape juice and crackers don’t really smell.

@powellx5, thanks for all of the sounds advice. It seems like the bug attacking the family only stayed around for about 6 hours. Everyone slept through the night and felt better in the morning. Crisis averted!

I still need to work on some of the natural ideas that you have shared with me. Honestly I am letting lake of time and lack of knowledge (or maybe yet, fear of not knowing) keep me from trying out your suggestions.

Thanks for the comment and caring about my family enough to give us advice. I appreciate it!

1 They do share but suprising i don't normally get any share
2 Cleaning the house constantly and using chemicals to kill pests and insecticides that are deadly. Excercise too, leave your car once a while and walk some distances.
3 Buy drug from a pharmacy and also pray.
4 I don't like seeing my widowed mum been sick

Sir i will need your help please

It is better to ask for help than to steal or defraud others.
Your help here will be greatly appreciated


Thanks for stopping by and answering my questions. It has been nice getting to know you lately via comments.

Right now I am coming out of a difficult situation as well. I need my SBD for expenses that I have. I will continue to upvote your comments and I will try to stop by your posst more often as well.

I know that I can not give a lot, but I hope that it will help.

Thanks for the response.
Well you have been seeing me around because you post things i can comment on.
Also i set your name on my ginabot to give me notification of posts from you so i can comment and also get some upvotes
Lastly i follow active people who pass knowledge

My prayer is that GOD will heal you and your family from your illness. Wishing you and your family a speedy recovery.

Mostly me and my sister share illness. To prevent the germs we should wash our hands before eating and after touching anyone who is sneezing, coughing or blowing their nose, well to treat the upset stomach we took two tablespoon of psyllium husk with yogurt. Like @stevendion said, me too can't afford to have any family member sick.

@kittynick, thank you for the prayers. We are feeling much better now. I agree that it is hard when anyone is sick in the family, but I find that it is most challenging when my wife is sick. When she is sick, I have to take off from work and watch the children too. I am a blessed man. My wife does a great job of keeping our family and home safe and happy.

To get more healthy tips and information follow @air-clinic by @nairadaddy this will help you alot

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