The Diary Game||Date: 10-05-2024 |A Day Enveloped in Sorrow and Grief .

in Steem For Bangladeshlast month



Assalamualaikum my fellow Steemians.I hope all are you doing fine and wherever you belong ensuring safety and in good condition . Life is an ongoing wave. Whatever the situation, life must go on in its own way. It doesn't stop for anyone or anything , and this is the ultimate reality of nature. Today is one of those days marked in my calendar, a day where things happened that were just too hard to understand.
Yesterday, our community, also our nation, experienced a heartbreaking tragedy. In a plane crash, one of our pilots sacrificed his life for the nation. The news spread like wildfire, and I, being his neighbor, witnessed the whole scenario unfold. His sacrifice undoubtedly turned him into a superhero, but the family he left behind lost the very soul of their existence. While we may offer solace for a while, his wife and their little children who are yet too small to understand the reality ,left to navigate life with only memories of him. Experiencing this tragedy from very close unstable me, and not just me, but our entire community was engulfed in deep grief.
Within moments,how a human soul breathed his last breath, and how a family was dropped into an unwarranted, heart-wrenching situation, lost of their guardian, their father. May Allah grant this hero of our nation Jannah and bless his family with patience to carry their grief.


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So the day began with immense sadness and depression. I couldn't sleep at night , and despite trying to engage in my daily activities, I couldn't distract my self , and the feeling of unease and broken. After finishing the routine responsibilities to my child ,I had a meager breakfast of tea and a biscuit. Because we were not in a mood to eat anything .Then I went about my household chores. Despite the routine, my mind remained unsettled.



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On that day ,a dental appointment awaited fo me, the final session for a root canal treatment I had undergone recently. As I sat in the waiting room, I caught sight of a "Krishno Chura" tree outside the window, adorned with fiery red flowers. They seemed to burn brightly under the scorching sunlight, a sight that stirred deep contemplation within me. This life, so unpredictable, offers no guarantees. I just couldn’t forget the face of our beloved bhabi and their innocent children ,how within a sudden moment they lost their beloved husband and beloved father.



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After the dental session, with a future appointment set for the final cap, I accompanied my daughter to a child specialist. She's been skipping meals for some days.It had been concerning me, and the doctor prescribed some multivitamins after the check-up.


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When we were coming back home, I stopped by the beautiful tree again. A branch laden with flowers had fallen, and though they were about to dry up, I couldn't help but pick them up, reminded once more of the transient nature of life.




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After that we had to go t the post office, where I collected a package—a phone case I had ordered online before some days age . Despite being a foreign product, I got it at a significant discount. It was exactly same as it advertised. I saw it on another page but in huge price difference .I got it in BDT 142 and in Steem 4 approx .I think it was a good deal compared to the price from other websites.


We rested briefly before engaging in our afternoon activities, after returning home. Cooking felt like an unnecessary task, so we settled for leftovers from the day before. My mind kept drifting back to our neighbor's loss, making it difficult to focus on anything else.


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In the evening, we ventured outside to uplift our spirits. Passing by their now-empty house, which was brimming with life just a day ago, filled me with profound sadness. We walked around, discussing the tragic incident that had befallen our community. You know the void left by a good soul can never be filled. Yet, as they say, "A true hero never dies"; he lives on in our memories with their deeds,


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Life is an exam with uncommon questions. We should live this little life it with bundle of humility and kindness, making the most of every moment.We do not know when our life will end for forever.So as much as lead the life with love with your loved one.


Thank You Everyone.png

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