The diary game | Better Life with Steem | 06 January 2021 | Thursday

in Best of India2 years ago

Today I started my day at 7:30 am. Just after waking up prepared green tea and drank. After that I get fresh, brush my teeth.

After completing all these activities opened the main door to see the outside weather. It was cloudy outside and flowing the cold air.

Now it's 8:30 am prepared breakfast. For breakfast had chilla and tea.


After breakfast used my mobile and watches some entertainment videos. Then I got a call from home it was my brother who asked me to book two train tickets for mummy and papa. Actually, my sister's health is not good so they are going to see her.

After booking the ticket make a call to mummy to know about the health of my sister. After that, I logged in for office work. Worked for the next two hours. Now it's afternoon time to have lunch.


I completed my lunch at 2:30 pm after lunch walked for 10 min and again sit to work. My mother called me at 4 pm after reaching my sister's home.

In the evening I went out to buy vegetables and back to the room within half an hour. After coming back prepared the snacks and enjoyed them.

Bhuja in snacks

At 8 pm logged out from office work spend some time on mobile. Did a video call at home and talked with my sister's children. At 9:30 I had my dinner and went to sleep at 11 pm.

That's all for today. Hope you like my post.

Thank You.


I hope your sister will be better soon...Is it besan chilla ?

No, Flour chilla. Thanks to reading my post.

Your breakfast plate is appetizing. Lunch is more delectable. I hope your sis will get better soon.

All the foods look tasty and your day was good, hope your sis will recover soon

Thanks for sharing your valuable post with us.your lunch looks yummy and delicious.# affable

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