Growth Needs Retention - The "Theme Park Idea"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #growth-ideas7 years ago

"Retention is the single most important thing for growth." - Alex Schulz
(Vice President Growth Facebook)

When we talk about growth, we need to talk about retention. 

I'd even go one step further and say that acquiring new users wouldn't be a big deal for steemit. The key issue here is to find solutions in order to keep them. 

Steemit has a disproportionally high fluctuation rate. If these numbers don't change, the whole acquisition process wouldn't lead to any success. 

The following proposal outlines one idea how to improve user retention.


First of all I'd like to thank the Steemit Inc. Marketing team (especially Andrew @andrarchy and Mitchell @zurvanic) for involving us in this creative process. 

There have been already brilliant ideas published below the #growth-ideas tag.
Today I'd like to share mine:

  1. What is the problem? A missing retention program.
  2. What is the solution? Increasing the amusement level on steemit.
  3. How will you prove your project was a success? Decreasing fluctuation rate. 

Process Shaping  

A couple of years ago I was working for an event agency in Munich. That job was the very first one after completing my degree at the University, and I probably learned for life. 

"So now let's play Lego" my boss used to say. 

What we did during the conceptional period of every event we were planning was the following: we took a floor plan of the event location and started to position some tokens (Lego men). We imagined every single step the invitees would do during the happening and executed them by moving our tokens accordingly. 


"The invitee arrives at the front door and receives a warm welcome by a hostess."
Check hostess. Check glass of champagn. Check catering plan. Check outfit and make-up artist hostess.

"It'll rain. Invitee arrives at location with jacket and umbrella."
Check wardrobe. Check enough space for 80% of people bringing umbrella and jacket.

Through analyzing all the existing processes an invitee (here: user) lives through you'll automatically find the weak points of the system.

Which are some of the weak points we'd find on steemit:

  1. Welcome process is too functional and old school. 
  2. Support is only given on request and not through a specific entity.
  3. Learning is achieved through trial and error. 
  4. Content is not offered, it needs proactive search.
  5. Surfing through the content is an uninviting process.

steemit suffers a lack of emotion, entertainment and amusement!

The Idea 

Steemit needs to redesign these processes in order to make content consumption more attractive (and partly "addictive"). 

Let's imagine steemit as a theme (amusement) park and users as their visitors. 

What are essential characteristics of a theme park? People never get bored. There are so many attractions offered that they can hardly decide where to start their experience.
That's exactly how steemit should work. Instead of attractions (rollercoasters etc.) steemit has content of all colorings, formats, themes, interest groups to offer. Theoretically there is an attraction for everybody!

Contemplating the above mentioned weak points, here are some ideas how to fix them:

1. - The welcome process:

It has to blow their mind! Everything they've ever heard about steemit should be confirmed immediately. There is nothing more valuable than a new user who's just signed up to the platform, consigning his full attention and absolute time. Steemit doesn't need to meet their expectations, it has to exceed all of them!
Why not showing them a groundbreaking, state-of-the-art video as a start instead of leaving them with 3 pages of welcome text, uncountable links and many open questions?

After watching the video they will be at the top level of their emotional curve! Make us of it. Give them more. Ask them if they want to meet steemit's top 10 successful bloggers in person and offer them to follow their blogs.

Ask them if they are ready to start blogging by themselves or if they first wanna join a mentor program. Offer them different mentor groups according to their interests / needs. You like sports? Excellent. Join our sports mentoring group where an experienced steemit blogger will tell you how he made it to the top sports bloggers on the platform.   

That game could be played endlessly. I think the message is clear: keep them BUSY, involve them socially, provide them with connecting points.

2. Helping hands:

We all know how many questions one person might have when joining this platform for the very first time. That's not a weakness at all, that's a chance! 

Steemit is not as superficial as other networks, that's why its processes need some explication in the beginning. That's THE chance to build some social bonds between established and new users right from the start.

Why not offering a mentor program that automatically connects new users with established volunteers in order to transfer knowledge about blogging, socializing, improving visibility, etc.? Sometimes I have this sensation that on steemit knowledge is hold like a treasure that can't be shared with others. In my eyes that's a huge mistake. We rise by lifting others!

Why not offering training programs for new users? How to blog? How to gain attention? How to acquire followers? How to be a successful steemian? I bet there would be a LOT of volunteers interested in sharing their experiences and knowledge. Steemians are per se cooperative and helpful people. 

Important: Support may be actively offered and not only provided on request.

Their success is ours!

3. - Content experience

Currently steemit is designed to make content disappear. I draw this extreme view on purpose to make things clear. What happens to content that you've written 2 months ago for instance? Do you think anybody will ever scroll down the infinite wall of your blog in order to look what you've done in the past? Do you think anybody will ever accidentally type a keyword in the global search in order to find one of your hidden treasures? 

Content needs to be proactively offered! 

Why not having a personalized start page where every user is able to allocate content pieces according to their own interest? You like food blogs? Excellent, then your mentoring group will show you how to allocate the food blog window on your starting page, just in case you could't manage it on your own. 

The system should react on the user's behavior and offer content that responds to their actions. A user that constantly upvotes technology and science should find content that touches these topics directly without asking or searching for it. 

spending time on steemit needs to be an entertaining experience people can't get enough of! If it blows their mind, they will tell others, and then you won't need half of your marketing budget to acquire them :)

If you find this idea interesting, inspiring or even worth talking about then I'd be happy to discuss it with you in the comments section. 

Happy weekend to all of you ;)
Marly - 

PS: All the rumors about my steemit break are not true :D

Picture sources: Title:; Animated GIF:; jumping group:; Quote: 


I've said this as well but don't have the experience to layout a concrete solution. You did it @sufermarly, well done and reesteemed.

Thank you @reddust, it's much appreciated!
Great minds think alike ;)

i am fully in. Great to see you posting too! I also had a growth-idea just after yours please take a look. You know about it a bit already. This tallies with your post here!

OK cool, I'll have a look at it :)

I 100% agree that our major challenge is product.

If we solve product, we solve retention, and ultimately the long term driver of growth is retention.

On the feature side, this is what onboarding and communities are about... but there's going to be a lot of design and re-design work coming in the near future.

As you noted, the onboarding or 'welcoming' process is a key part of people onto Steem, and right now we seem to make onboarding as hard as possible. This, and many other things, will be changing.

So let me affirm, we are 100% dedicated to boosting retention with product re-design. It just turns out that we have a lot to do in a short amount of time! :)

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your point of view, Mitchell!

I am really looking forward to all these measures that will contribute to make the product even more attractive. However, most of the things we experience are defined by emotion (and not only through hard facts). In this case: the desire to get a piece of the cake. The fact that bloggers are financially rewarded is already a huge selling proposition for steemit. Only by optimizing the onboarding, providing some helping hands (first-steps tutorials, mentor programs, best practice showcases etc.) the retention could be improved considerably. The aim should be that everybody could theoretically become a no. 1 blogger on the platform. A successful and happy user is a user that will stay and bring others (like it happened in July 2016 when the product wasn't even what it is today :)).

Time is often the biggest challenge of all, yeah tell me about it :)
Best of luck for all your doings, we are here to follow and support you and your team!

Thanks! We're working hard to make sure we have awesome things to show for you. :)

Also, posting in steemit is still not easy. You need to familiarize few posting tricks before you can submit a content. There's no problem for those who are exposed to computer operation but what about those who only know sites like facebook?

You have a good point. Having these changes would help a lot in bringing the platform to the masses. I know the admins are busy in making steemit a great community and I believe these things are also included in their plans.

Yip. It requires a lot of practice to produce a really good post. We all know that ;)
I think a bit of assitance would be nice for those who don't have infinite patience.

Nice to see you posting again. Great ideas :)

Thanks my friend, I somehow missed it :)

Yeah, that tends to happen :)

Maybe I should keep posting from time to time though :)

That would be nice :)

Excellent post! I like your work My friend

Thanks, man! I am happy it somehow found an audience ;)

You bring out some excellent points and ideas. I personally do not have experience in blogging and event management. but your post combines them and present it in a way that is easily ELI5.

User acquisition itself is not enough, that is very true. currently as it stands. regular content consumers wont stay longer than a few posts (i know the pain very well, took me a drastic shift in mindset to stay haha).

I can imagine a sort of interactive tutorial after a user signed up. going through everything and allowing the user to select their area of interest.

I dont know how doable is that on the developer side, but im sure something can be arranged.

Thanks for your positive feedback, @awesomianist. Funny nice you've chosen btw ;)
You hit the nail. That "pain" you mention could be easily reduced. People need some positive experiences and rewards right from the start to keep posting. Otherwise they'll lose quickly their interest. It's feeding them with little success and then pushing them forward to strive for more.
I'd be courious to know if Steemit Inc. devs are already working on that!

good stuff, agree in most points and might even add some points (once I am back from vacation) - resteemed

Thanks my friend! Enjoy your holidayzzz! Once you´ve returned I'll be curious to know more about your additional thoughts ;)

So funny; Even on Steemit there is gossiping like in a little village :) Glad you are not on a Steemit break; You wrote a great proposal! Fully agree with you Retention is the key requirement for growth, and your suggestions are spot on. I would extend it with better search capabilties, personalisable home channel (preferable multiple channels to support different interests) and the re-introduction of the active feed (I didn't know it ever existed).

Thank you! Great that you summarized it already in actions! Well then you should write the follow-up and tag it with #growth-project ;) Regarding the rumors, to be honest I was the one who spread the idea of a break (which lasted more or less one week ;-)). It's a good sign. It seems that it has something I can't resist...

Ok ok, so the source of the gossip is known, hahahaha. But cool indeed that Steemit is that attractive for you (and probably some others) to still continue with :)

growth-idea: all marketing at this stage, I think.

I have some ideas, but that is a couple of steps (understatement; likely many steps) ahead of the Steemit technology is at this stage.

One idea involves SUPER SUPER simple user interfaces + mobile App and push this into a second hand circular economy segment (to start with in The Netherlands), but requires very simple purchase of Steem, or a somewhat different methods to earn Steem and a dedicated area in Steemit for the goods trading + a support desk. When not integrarted with Steemit itself, than it will be independent from Steemit and therefore can also be independent from Steem what would be a shame since it'll then compete.

Another idea is to bring a whole segment now big on Facebook gradually to Steemit, starting with the innovators, but also here, lot needs to happen from technical side on Steemit before I can even reach out to my large network in that segment.

That sounds all very promising to me! As long as you build your applications on the steem blockchain you wouldn't compete but complement the offer. Plus: there is nothing wrong with competition :) Just remember the words from Dan Larimer who said that he built this baby to give it away.

Anyways... the whole thing will keep our generation busy for a while :)

Anyways... the whole thing will keep our generation busy for a while :)

For Sure! :)

Solving those, of which you mentioned, would would be a huge step forward. Next hardfork will be the one that makes things right or does the exact opposite. atm, same old game.

Thanks for stopping by, @solarguy.
I am not sure if these issues can be solved by hardware improvements. They rather require some design changes and product adjustments. However, it's going to be exciting to see the baby growing!

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