Hua Chenyu - Skateboard Shoes Reaction. Rapping Like Eminem In Chinese Is Hard.

in DTube5 years ago (edited)

Hua Chenyu - Skateboard Shoes Reaction. Rapping Like Eminem In Chinese Is Hard. In this Hua reaction video, i listen to Hua Chenyu perform 'Skateboard shoes' in 'The Next' music show to a live audience. He practically raps his performance through like 'Eminem' would and in Chinese. Dressed in a hoodie, he adds darkness and mystery to his performance. Lyrics are deep as usual. Hua Chenyu entertains his

Below, is the original video that i have reacted to incase you want to react to it too. It is titled '[Single Song]《My Skateboard Shoes 2016》Hua Chenyu ◆ The Next S1 EP3 20161030':


Below is a related description drawn from this YouTube channel adding more context to the Hua Chenyu 'Skateboard' performance:

"The Next" (天籁之战) is a Chinese music variety show where contestants get to challenge judges who are famous musicians in a sing-off. The winner of the sing-off is determined by votes from the 400-member live audience. The challenged judge has to perform a song picked by the contestant and only has 24 hours to learn and rearrange the given song, while the contestant can sing a song of their own choice. Hua was a judge on the show and had a very high winning rate, to the point that in one episode, no contestant wanted to challenge Hua, fearing that they would certainly lose. During the show, contestants kept coming up with new strategies to beat Hua. For example, one contestant challenged him to sing a viral meme song “My Skateboard Shoes” which is regarded as a so-bad-it’s-good kind of song. The original song has no rhyme or rhythm and Hua was able to rewrite the entire song into something coherent in 24 hours. In a later episode, another contestant picked a piece of theme music with no lyrics for Hua, and Hua was able to write an entirely new song (The Monkey King 齐天大圣) using snippets from the original music in 24 hours.

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以下是當您也要對此作出反應時,我已做出的反應的原始視頻。標題為“ [單曲]《我的滑板鞋2016》華晨宇◆下一個S1 EP3 20161030”:


以下是從該YouTube頻道中提取的相關描述,為Hua Chenyu的“滑板”表演增加了更多背景信息:

“ The Next”(天籟之戰)是中國音樂綜藝節目,參賽者可以在歌手中挑戰著名音樂家的評委。演唱會的獲勝者是由400位現場觀眾的票數決定的。受挑戰的法官必須表演參賽者挑選的歌曲,只有24小時才能學習和重新安排給定的歌曲,而參賽者可以演唱自己選擇的歌曲。華是節目的評委,獲勝率很高,以至於在某一集中,沒有參賽者願意挑戰華,因為他們擔心自己一定會輸。在表演期間,參賽者不斷想出新方法擊敗華。例如,一位參賽者要求他演唱病毒性模因歌曲“我的滑板鞋”,這首歌被認為是非常糟糕的一種好歌曲。原始歌曲沒有韻律或節奏,Hua能夠在24小時內將整首歌曲重寫為連貫的內容。在隨後的一集中,另一位參賽者為Hua選擇了一段沒有歌詞的主題音樂,Hua能夠在24小時內使用原始音樂的片段創作一首全新的歌曲(齊天大聖)。

完整版的“下一個”: Chen Yu的ulog




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