Ulog: Why Is The Internet Still So Backward In 2020? Isn't It?
Many answers are simple. Many at times however, we end up rigmaroling for ages unnecessarily, said to be "seeking the ever-missing piece of our puzzle".
It is baffling that we can stay in this rigmarole forever at times, people watching, feeding us heartily with consolation (buzz phrases) e.g "tomorrow will be better", "there is light at the end of the tunnel", "the missing piece of the puzzle" etc.
Hahaha, many times it isn't even "a puzzle". 'Very easy-to-solve stuff' with glaring solutions. Why not just pay attention just once, listen to a brother like he was your brother, bear that small consequence and fix the challenge.
The internet even after all these ages hasn't evolved to where it really helps people. How come is it that till date, there is not one website on the entire internet that really seeks to help people. What does it take really, for one website or many to say, "do this and this and fly on from there" or "oh, i have 1 million subscribers on YouTube. Record a video covering this subject and layer the video up with your YouTube channel details and i will upload it on my channel before my audience, in a bid to direct them to your channel, to get you to your first 1K subscribers after which you can go on to soar?"
Have you seen a web-enterprise that goes out to reach people asking to help people? Why not? Should that be so un-obtainable today? Hasn't the internet come of that age?
I am still building and even though the building isn't all set yet, i am leaving a trail and i tell you, i will knock on your door to ask to help you. It's coming! Because it has started!
It is baffling really that with all the "technological advancement etc" that is becoming so celebrated, humans can't fix even the easiest of challenges and even 'for these so-so-so fixable minute challenges', they have to stay in a cycle of rigmarole for ages, even for ever.
What internet do we have? That till date, type in the search-query 'How to get your first 1K YouTube subscribers' and there are no direct answer like "Contact me and i will help" or "Tell me your YouTube channel and i will fix it".
Well, that is why i am creating a new internet called 'surpassinggoogle'; one where 'humans' hold sway, one that returns value to humans, with its base content called 'ulogs' (a form of content that is 'queen').
Yes, on this very internet, you could type in the search query 'How to make money online' and it can provide you 'the address to the nearest ATM' because now 'humans are involved'.
Let's beautifully disrupt a world where 'information' is kept complex so much that it becomes the sought after, that it can sell; 'each human a client'.
In the above livestream, i set out to help any who joined to find the ever-missing piece of their puzzle. I am a legitimate illiterate and at the very least i can provide people with insight on any subject using the mind's eye of a legitimate illiterate.
People didn't join the stream as expected but someone ended up joining whose challenge was simple and related to Hive; challenges relating to 'How to publish videos to Hive.blog' and within this livestream, i shared my screen and we fixed that.
I showed him how to publish videos using the post-editors on Peakd.com, busy.org, hive.blog; then showed him how to use 3speak.online and d.tube to post videos to Hive.
I went further to helping him auto-backup or sync his videos on Lbry.tv
Was that so hard? Must i sell this information too; 'each human a client'? Must i leave our brother in a limbo?
Old school stuff.
"Help isn't always entirely about quantity; it can be about 'timeliness' to even be considered HELP". @surpassinggoogle
Your Boy Terry
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