Life in a Quarantine Centre - Day 01

in OCD4 years ago

If you are reading this post, there is a possibility that you have read my previous post about my journey from my flat to a quarantine center but if you haven't read it yet, I suggest you read that first and then come back to this one.

So, we reached a transit camp where all the people coming from other states are being kept until their test results are known. It was around 2 am and we were told to form a queue as the records of every person were written on some kind of a ledger. Two officials were doing that work and one of them was very rude while talking to the people but the other one was quite soft and spoke in a friendly manner.


It was almost 3 am when my turn came and they asked me my name, address, age, occupation, and the place I came from. I answered all the questions and they told me to move. One of the officials showed me the way towards a room which was actually a lecture hall. There were 3 people already in that small hall and they told us that it can accommodate 3 more. There were no beds, we were made to sleep on the floor covered with a mat. A few blankets were already there but it looked like they were not sanitized at all.

I needed to go to a washroom, so I went downstairs looking for it and one of the officials showed me the way politely. As soon as I reached there, people were waiting in queues for their turn. I literally had to wait for 30 minutes before I could use a washroom. The washing area wasn't hygienic at all but I had no other choice. There were only 3 washrooms for almost 40 people. Someone said that they had another set of washrooms which were a lot cleaner but they kept them for themselves.


Before going to the washroom, they handed us a banana and a small packet of juice and told us to wait for half an hour as they were preparing food. We had not eaten for almost 20 hours and we were very hungry. The dinner should have been ready at around 3:30 am if we were to believe them but it was already 4:30 am and I was feeling sleepy and there was no sign of food yet. I went to complain about it and they told me that they will let us know once the food is ready. I came back, ate a biscuit with water, and slept.

Before sleeping, another group of people arrived and they came to our room but we told them to go somewhere else as our room was already overcrowded. I don't know where they went after that but the officials weren't paying attention to them at all. I heard the banging on the door and it broke my sleep. It was 5 30 am in the morning and the food was ready. They were calling us to eat that. Since I had not eaten anything good for 22 hours, I immediately got up and went to eat.


I was the second person to reach where the food was being distributed. They gave us a packet of rice, a small bag filled with curry, and a bottle of water. There was no salt in the curry and we complained about that but they told us that they had only one packet of salt, obviously, they were lying. A packet of salt costs less than 30 cents and they were not willing to even spend 30 more cents on 40 people. I somehow, ate half of what I was given and decided to go back to sleep and that marked the end of day 1.

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