TacoCat’s Travels #114 (Japan 5.0: Tokyo): Shopping and Gundams in NY?

in TravelFeed3 years ago

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Hey Hive

If you missed the post last week, we began a new journey through Japan with my family and Sean, starting from Tokyo! Since we've been here before but it's my relatives' first time we had to bring them to all the popular spots we visited previously already, but it's all good.  

Last week, we brought my family to the famous Tsukiji Fish Market and got to enjoy the freshest (and most affordable) sushi at Sushi Zanmai!

I had to cut off the post last week since it was getting a little long, so let's continue on with us heading to Ginza!

17 December 2017. Sunday.

It was such a nice day out and after all that sushi we had to walk to digest which was perfect since Tsukiji wasn't that far from Ginza, so we walked over there.

I'm sure everyone who's been here will recognise this place.

There was a Nissan car showroom there and my cousins and their dad are really into cars so they couldn't resist.

But dang was it crowded! Well it was Ginza on a Sunday so I guess it can't be helped.

We saw this display of cute penguins that I really wanted to photograph but that couple was standing right in the middle and there were people constantly walking by I didn't manage to get a good shot, unfortunately.

We did get this one though; the big penguin can't be seen that clearly but it's fine. The baby ones are the cute ones anyway.

I thought this one looked pretty cool though, with that reflection of the sun, especially. And the way the road is lighted by the reflection in that lane is so cool!

I couldn't resist taking a photo!

There was even a huge Snoopy display! 

I don't recall what shop this was exactly, but you just know I had to take a picture!

I see you checkin' me out Snoopy

Ginza was as crowded as ever. We had to stick together to make sure we didn't get lost.

And of course we just had to patronise one of the biggest UNIQLOs is Tokyo!

There were 12 floors in this huge UNIQLO! And seeing that most of our winter wear was from here, we just couldn't resist.

They also have quite a few limited selection items that are only available here so it's always nice to take a look.

In fact, one of my favourite T-shirts is a LINE Friends' Sally UT shirt that Sean found in this very store! You might've seen it on previous Travel posts. There was actually a matching Brown shirt but unfortunately all of Sean's sizes were sold out! And we haven't found the shirt since. 😥

This is where they have all the older UT collections on display! I always thought this section was so cool with the mirrored ceiling and everything.

And with the shirts on display along the walls. It felt a little like a retro museum or something.

I wanted to take a symmetrical shot down the middle aisle but there were people constantly walking there so it was pretty difficult.

They even had a special KAWS x Peanuts merch collab with special edition black Snoopy plushies!

This UNIQLO store was definitely well-designed. The colours and everything just drew your eyes to the displays.

After an hour or so, we left UNIQLO and came across SoftBank with their cute doggo mascot!  

After they were done with Ginza and the crowds, we still had time so we decided to take the train and head to a less crowded place (hopefully). So to Odaiba we went!

What a beautiful day to enjoy some sea views!

We headed to the mall to have a look-see there.

And one of the first shops we came across had all these Mario merch!

And these Snoopy mugs! I was so tempted to get the one with my initial on it.

Since it was still bright out, we brought them to see the famous Statue of Liberty here! 

It was super windy here; I guess because of the strong sea breeze, but man it was pretty cold even though the sun was out.

The sun was quickly setting, but it looked so pretty!

We left them to wander around in the mall since the mall here in Odaiba is huge! And we just went our separate ways, seeing what we wanted to see. We agreed to meet at the food court when we were done.

So Sean and I finally had some time to ourselves and we just took a stroll round the mall and found more Snoopy stuff!

And a caricature booth!It looked so cool and the drawings were actually really well done! Huge kudos to these awesome artists who can draw so quickly on the spot too. We've actually never done this before, but next time we definitely should!

It was kinda warm in the mall, so we headed back out to enjoy the sunset.

And found our way to Taco Bell - the only Taco Bell in Tokyo too!

We decided to try this special taco with a soft shell wrapped around a hard shell one and it was actually pretty good! The fries were nice and crispy too! The vegetables and the star-shaped cheese was a little cold though, and the cheese tasted a little fake, but other than that it was still a pretty decent snack!

Tacos are definitely harder to eat than burritos though, since it's not properly sealed and all. But yummy nonetheless!

After that we headed out and there were so many lights on!

It was beautiful! Especially with the Rainbow Bridge in the background.

And an obligatory Gundam shot as always!

There was even a Gundam display in front of the Gundam Cafe!

It really reminded me of the scene in Iron Man 2 at the Stark Expo. If you're a MCU fan you know what I'm talking about.

It was nearing dinnertime so we met up with the rest of the gang and headed to a family restaurant which specialises in casual Western dining.

Sean and I were craving steak but I was also kinda hungry so we bought an extra plate of rice to share. 

It tasted pretty alright but the interesting thing was the charcoal block that came along with the set and you could sear the meat more if you chose! It was really cool but the meat was already pretty done as it was. I don't think it was too fantastic, but it was pretty average.

After that they were getting pretty tired so we decided to head back to the hotel and took the train back to Akihabara! Sean and I decided to hang around outside for a bit though.

Especially when there were so many pretty lights!

We just walked around and enjoyed each other's company without my family for a while.

And of course, we ended the night by going to the arcade and playing Mario Kart! 

Well that's all for today! Tune in next week when we explore more of Akihabara and bring my family to the Tokyo Skytree!

Thanks so much for reading!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

Check out my previous post in this series!

TacoCat’s Travels #113 (Japan 5.0: Tokyo): Getting Fishy in Tsukiji! 🍣

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