Child Protective Services is only nice words that cover cruel truth...

But still there are parents who trust them. What is the price of their naivety?

Anna Larina was a happy mother of 14-year old girl and brought her up alone - divorce with the father.

Several times Anna needed help and treatment in a hospital (ordinary diseases) and she had nobody to ask for help with the girl. She really trusted CPS and their honest help with kids, so she asked them to take care if the girl for some days.


It was a fatal mistake, they paid attention to this family...

Everything was fine until she had a conflict with a neighbor. It was the moment for Cps to interfere. They were informed about bad care of the kid + cases when Anna needed treatment (no matter for them that diseases had no danger at all) - the puzzle was done - the kid is neglected and should be taken away!!

They took the girl fast and suddenly.. CPS wanted to deprive Ann of her parental rights, but they had no court decision yet!!


Anna looked for any help, and the public organization became her protection.

Their lawyers were real fighters with CPS who made them be responsuble and explain their deeds, and they agreed to give the girl to her dad,not to Ann. But at least.. Their deeds were illegal, and they knew it..

Then the time of the court came, and ...CPS lost!! The prosecutor even was shocked by the situation!

It is the lawyer of Ann


BTW the mother gave to the judge many proofs of their happy life with her daughter: photos, proofs that tge girl studied fine abd attended many extra classes etc.

It played a very important role, so parents should keep such documents forever.
Life is unpredictable.

Now the girl is with her mom at last! And even dad returned to the family! Double happiness.

But the mother says the girl has changed much. She has become more aggressive and speaks much about her rights - cps work results...

Hope this influence will disappear soon in her loving family!

Thank-you @taliakerch for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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I think that the government should stop CPS since it destroys families rather than helping them @taliakerch

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