10 Tips for De-cluttering and Organizing Your Kids' Toys

in #children7 years ago

Toys are the bane of my existence. No sooner have I put away the never-ending jumble of Lego's and Hot Wheels, when along comes a pile of story books and those confounded crayons! It never ends.

10 Tips for De-cluttering and Organizing Your Kids' Toys.jpg

I simply cannot keep up. I was never the tidiest person in the world, but I managed. What I didn't factor into my life equation was kids. It wasn't so bad when I only had one but now with two of them, it's absolute madness!


Fortunately (or maybe not so much) I just happen to be married to the most organized man in the universe. With military precision, he has order, tidiness and organization down to a science. I consider him the authority on all things neat, so naturally I turned to him for the following tips to help with all the toys and clutter created by your kids:

  • Use storage containers and labels- If you have really young kids, pictures instead of words are good to help them sort and store toys.
  • Get rid of outgrown toys. Donate, recycle, re-gift or if they are worn and weary it may be best to just throw them out.


  • Utilize select toys at any given time. Store seasonal toys; like water toys that you rarely use outside of summer. That way, only current toys are in rotation. Plus it helps keep the toys looking fresh and keeps kids from getting bored of seeing the same old things.
  • Limit play areas. Designate specific spots for playing. At my house we use a large walk-in closet as a designated play area. It's easy to contain and I don't have to worry about shoving toys into the closet when unexpected visitors arrive- they're already in the closet.


  • Make cleaning a regular routine so it doesn't overwhelm. My kids know that before bed all toys must be put away. If I didn't insist on that, by the weekend my house would look like the city dump.
  • Get the kids involved. After all it's their mess!
  • Start while they are small to teach them good organization habits. Waiting till they are 8 or 9 may be too late. They might already be set in their ways. Even though behaviors can be changed, it becomes more difficult as they get older.


  • Use a chore chart and rewards system. Even though I don't believe in pay for chores, it's sometimes nice to surprise the kids with a special treat when they have been diligent with their chores.
  • Set a good example. Kids learn what they see.
  • Don't get frustrated. Be patient. Positive reinforcement sometimes goes a longer way than consequences. Do what works best with your children.



Kids can make a mess, but it is good to teach them to be a bit organized and they will thank you when they are older. Thanks for the helpful post and the adorable pics! :-)

You are absolutely right. Children without mess do not happen) Thank you very much for the nice comment :)

nice post friend

Thank you so much!

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