Tumis Cumi-Cumi Cabe Hijau Yang Pedas (Sautéed Green Spicy Chilli Squid)

in #indonesia8 years ago

Hallo Steemians..

Pas banget mau sahur saya akan membagikan masakan yang enak yang menggoda yaitu Tumis Cumi-Cumi Cabe Hijau Yang Pedas yang membuat selera makan yang tambah tentunya sehingga puasa besok tanpa bolong, nah penasaran cara memasaknya, ikuti terus ya langkah dibawah ini.

I really want to eat sahur I will share a delicious cuisine that is tempting Stir-fried Calamari Pepper Chilli Spicy which makes the appetite added of course so fasting tomorrow without hole, nah curious how to cook it, follow the steps below .

Bahan Yang Di Perlukan (Necessary materials)


  1. Cabe Hijau 1/2 Ons
  2. Cabe Rawit 1/2 Ons
  3. Bawang Merah 4 Siung
  4. Bawang Putih 2 Siung
  5. Jahe Secukupnya
  6. Tomat 1 ons
  7. Daun Kari
  8. Cumi-Cumi 1 Kilo
  9. Garam


  1. Chilli Green 1/2 ons
  2. Chili Rawit 1/2 ons
  3. Red Onion 4 Siung
  4. Garlic 2 Siung
  5. Ginger Sufficient
  6. 1 ounce tomato
  7. Leaves Kari
  8. Squid 1 Kg
  9. Salt

Irislah cabe hijau tergantung selera mau kecil atau besar

Cut the green chillies depending on the taste of going small or large

Bahan Yang Di Jadikan Bumbu (Materials That Make Spices)


  1. Cabe Rawit 1/2 Ons
  2. Bawang Merah 4 Siung
  3. Bawang Putih 2 Siung
  4. Jahe Secukupnya
  5. Tomat 1 ons


  1. Chili Rawit 1/2 ons
  2. Red Onion 4 Siung
  3. Garlic 2 Siung
  4. Ginger Sufficient
  5. 1 ounce tomato

Langkah Memasaknya (Cooking step)

Siapkan wajan dan tuangkan minyak goreng jangan sampai gosong

Prepare the pan and pour the cooking oil not to burn

Masukkan bumbu dalam wajan sampai meengeluarkan aroma harum.

Add the spices in the skillet until the aroma comes out.

Masukkan cabe hijau yang di iris kedalam bumbu cabe hijau dan diaduk sampai merata dan biarkan sebentar kemudian tuangkan air secukupnya supaya cabe hijau cepat matang.

Enter the sliced green pepper into the green chilli spice and stir until evenly distributed and let briefly then pour enough water to make the green chilli ripen.

Masukkan cumi-cumi kedalam tumis cabe hijau lalu aduklah sampai merata hingga meresap bumbu lalu masukkan garam secukupnya dan biarkan sebentar sampai cumi-cumi matang kemudian rasa dulu jika sudah pas di lidah berarti masakan cumi-cumi hampir selesai.

Add the squid into the green chilli sauce and stir it until evenly spread to the seasoning and then add salt to taste and let it take a while until the squid is cooked then taste first if it is fit on the tongue means the squid dish is almost finished.

Selesailah Tumis Cumi-Cumi Cabe Hijau Yang Pedas dan siap disajikan sebagai masakan sahur yang begitu nikmat.

Finish Stir-fried Chilli Spicy Chilli Pepper and ready to be served as a delicious meal of sahur.

Jika menyukai masakan saya jangan lupa Upvote dan Follow @tantry untuk bisa melihat aktivitas keseharian saya dan jangan lupa ressteem untuk saling membantu.


i like your food

thanks @riostarr for comment

I don't like the texture of squid but this looks amazing. I might try it with another fish. How hot is it with the amount of chillies you have used? X

Anyway you will feel spicy with the sensation of chili and green chili

I bet so with all those chillies. Delicious though I expect. X

I am sure you will feel spicy with the sensation of chili

good as always :D