I am on the way home at a crawl and I thought it would be a good time to test the ...

in #appics6 years ago

... speech to text function on the keyboard. Maybe this is a new way that I'm going to write from now on and I wonder what would happen if I sat here and spoke for an hour or so like I would normally write.

People think I write a lot however you should hear me talk.

I don't know if there are any functions that allow me to make paragraphs, so far all I can make are commas and periods.

I've been stuck inside all day today however, the weather has been really nice and I've seen it outside my window, - luckily it is still cold enough that I don't want to go stay out for too long.

The problem with this speech to text thing is that I also have Finnish enabled and it's picking up some of the words as Finnish so I'm going to have to edit it. I don't know if this makes it any faster but at least it makes it weirder.

Does anyone else use speech to text? are there any better applications out there or is Google Voice good enough?

Well I think I should probably concentrate on the road rather than feel like a freak talking into my phone type myself. see you in the evening after I put @smallsteps to sleep.



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If it helps you out why not XD And it seems to have done a good job? Or did you have to edit a lot before posting?

To answer your question I don't because I hate talking into phones when I'm talking to someone, talking to a future audience is even worse XD Also devices generally don't understand me anyway.

Maybe that #freewrite tag could have a more hilarious evil twin, #freespeech2text. No editing allowed. Shitty formatting and embarassing misquotations have to stay in as recorded. It could be fun!

I was thinking about this but it went into Finnish at times too :D

I've tried to tinker with voice to type (as I hate typing!). Google voice is one of the better ones out there although from my trials, Dragon is the best, although pretty pricey unfortunately. They have a mobile version (Dragon Anywhere which is about $10 pm) but the app is buggy from a UI perspective, although pretty darn accurate!

(I should have attempted to dictate that response - next time ;))

I haven't used Dragon for about 20 years but I will assume that it got better in that time :) 10 a month is pretty expensive however I think considering how much I would/ or wouldn't use it. I will have to see if there are some option guides for Google Voice when I have a chance.

but at least it makes it weirder.

Muahaha, I like your attitude!

It felt strange talking even more like I have an impediment.

I did not usually use that google voice speach. It is fucking not just good for me. It sucks. I prefer to always type it using my keyboard. As that is still much more faster to me

I still think you are missing the issue when typing on a phone only but whatever works for you :)

Yes. I still.prefer to type on phone as it is faster for me

When you were making this, did you have to say “next paragraph” every time you made a new paragraph? Or did you speak the text and then hit enter a few times?

Posted using Partiko iOS

I had to edit after to make the paragraphs. I should read a guide or something to see if there is a setup.

That’s still pretty cool, I’ll have to give this a try and give my thumbs a break!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Google is the best we have right now.
Sometimes I use it... besides some problems...

Posted using Partiko Android

It is free at least - which is a big bonus. Of course, it spies on me though.

I sense that your speech to text might be a better editor than the spell check as I see no out of place words. It sounds like a time effective way to communicate. Thanks for sharing @tarazkp

I had to go through and edit it and make paragraphs. I don't use a spellcheck on my text... as you have probably noticed :D I am not sure if it is faster but at least it is possible to use from the car.

Interesting idea. I've never used t2speech to blog. I will give it a try sometime. I see you're also using appics. How cutting edge you are.

How cutting edge you are.

I know right? Not bad for an old codger.

I think it would be okay to get some quick thoughts down that aren't very formal but, writing a 'real' article, I am not convinced yet.

I have seen myself using more lately to get my thoughts and structure down for posts. However, I sometimes feel I soend more time editing that sitting and writing it in the first place!

Posted using Partiko iOS

However, I sometimes feel I soend more time editing that sitting and writing it in the first place!

THis is what I think too. It might be okay in the car for some quicker, casual posts but not for something serious. I am very serious normally :)