Freedom: Not in my lifetime

in #philosophy6 years ago

When it comes to some of the things I talk about such as freedom from authority, people are perhaps a little confused by what I mean but, it isn't that they don't understand the concepts. Liberty, anarchy, self-governance, peace, unity and love aren't new ideas, and have been discussed for literally thousands of years.

When the Buddha said, the root of all suffering is desire, this was about freedom of thought and detachment from wants, not the denial of them. What we deny, we empower with the same energy it takes to hold it back, what we fight we validate. Do you understand? Perhaps, perhaps not but that is your path.

Mine may be different as I have a clear picture of where I want to be and in what ind of world I would like to live and raise my daughter but, the way to get there is foggy. The path will also have to be sensitive and change as the environment changes around it. At times it will be a hard slog up a mountain and occasionally a easy glide down the other side until the valley turn back to the next slope upward.

For a long time, people have imagined a better world and even in modern history we can see that the attraction of worlds like Star Trek where exploration and potential are the norm of existence. Sure, most might not want to be fighting the Borg but, a society where money is not the driving force of action is for many people, attractive. We aren't there yet though are we?

But, we are better off overall. Even though we are a very long way from solving a whole host of issues we face, we are in much better condition than we generally give ourselves credit for. This is natural since human nature focuses predominantly on risk and suffering, not opportunity and contentment. This is part of the desire problem Buddha mentioned and what keeps most people living psychologically in the past or future rather than the present because they are attached to what has happened or their expectations of what will.

Many think that when I speak of freedom I speak from a naive perspective, as if I do not understand the fundamentals of the way things are and, how much control authority has over us. I do, I ma not ignorant to these facts but, sitting still within them is not conducive to getting into a future of freedom. To be somewhere else, steps need to be taken and even small steps can travel long distances with enough time, energy and consistency.

I am under no illusion, I do not expect that I will ever come close to seeing a world where the actual potential of human existence is empowered, where individuals can truly become great as themselves. Yet, I am also under no illusion that it is possible, it could be that way.

What many do not credit is that there can be moments of leaps and bounds that take place, technological advancements that can quickly and fundamentally change the experience of humanity. A good example of this is Alexander Fleming's discovery of penicillin and its subsequent effects on changing health globally and, very quickly. A similar thing could happen in many areas such as energy production or AI development and perhaps, when it comes to the latter, a strong general intelligence could discover a whole range of solutions to problems we currently are stuck upon.

It could be very easy to think that even if this happens, the authorities and governments would use these to control us further but, again this isn't guaranteed either. There are always cracks, always leaks and always unintended consequences. Plus, the AI may have other ideas than authoritative control or Terminator-esque domination. It could just choose to help us live freely. At this point, we just don't know.

Not knowing however shouldn't stop us from finding out what is possible, thinking, discussing, experimenting and failing often to discover the small successes that will step us along the path to somewhere better. People will cite history as a predictor of the future but, even that is not accurate since the environment is changing, we are evolving, even if slowly.

Cracks have appeared in the economies, energy concerns are raising, the availability of information is increasing, people's opportunity and access to all manner of tools that they didn't have prior is growing, decentralized communities are forming across the world. Things are going to come to a head, they are going to break in many different ways and if we do not annihilate ourselves before, we will rebuild and it is likely to be somewhat better than it was before.

Freedom is the ability to take responsibility for ones actions now, not the oppression one is under now. One can be in a cage and be free as long as what they do within the confines and with the resources available to them is at their own volition. No one forces you to behave badly, speak badly or oppress others, that is a voluntary act, a freedom. Many use this to chase what they are after and as said, the root of suffering is desire. We want that, we chase that and we as a society suffer at our own hands.

I am under no illusions when it comes to the risks both personal and at a community level, I understand that there is going to be a great deal of conflict, disruption and pain to take some steps but, I also know that pain itself is not suffering. Pain is an indicator of movement, a discomfort and like someone who looks to strengthen their body by stressing it, we as a world can strengthen ourselves by applying pressure to what we know to grow it into what it could be.

There will be injuries and casualties along the way but, there will also be new learning, new thoughts and of course, new results. This process is endless, there is no final destination for evolution although all things come to an end. None of us are going to have total freedom in our lifetimes but, we are all free to act toward that goal, we all have the freedom to approach freedom with the resources we have and, the resources we will continue to develop on the way.

Humanity is one of imagination that drives innovation, a group concerned with progress and future, science, technology and belief systems that without exception, see that the future could be something much better than the present. We may misuse these tools, we may be greedy and violent, we may be tyrants and self-interested but, we won't always be so to the extent at which we are. We are improving.

You are free to stand still, you are free to stare unmoving at your cage wishing it wasn't there, I am free to think about freedom and act within my limited capacity to take some small steps into the future. We will never be free but, every single one of us has the potential to move and improve this world so that tomorrow's generation have more to work with than today.

Even if I will never experience it, it doesn't stop me from working toward it. As I have said many times before, I think and act for the long-term.

[ a Steem original ]


In general I agree with you. With your vision of where to go to be free and what that means. But then does it exist any 2 individuals that agree on everything? ;)

I would say that everything is possible, to call it an illusion that something is possible is to limit what is possible. The better way to put it I think is to say it may not be probable within a given time frame.

You mention energy technologies as if there does not yet exist better ways. But some research will tell you that it does, but not yet supported and is suppressed. But research is done on small scales and some have made and is using them in small communities.

Lastly; you write: "One can be in a cage and be free as long as what they do within the confines and with the resources available to them is at their own volition"
How can you call that freedom, when the cage clearly restricts your movement and thus actions.? Unless you chose to walk inside the cage by your own volition. This is true even by analogy. To have some freedoms is not to be free. Then you could say even slaves and prisoners is free. But then the word looses its meaning.
What one could ask however, is this: Is someone free that is not aware of the walls that restricts them? And is it moral to inform them about the walls?

to call it an illusion that something is possible is to limit what is possible.

As things within th greater system, we are always limited in some way as we are unable to ever take up all space pr know all things in an expanding system. But, to return to earth a little, when it comes to human oppression, freedom is still in the mind and we are all absolutely free to act/think, imagine within our constraints. People limit freedom to mean freedom to do what one wants, that is an illusion as, it is never possible.

Is someone free that is not aware of the walls that restricts them? And is it moral to inform them about the walls?

If the walls do not restrict them in what they do with what they have, are they relevant? If they do not see the walls and are not restricted in themselves by the walls, how will you show them?If you inform them and if they do see the walls and now feel restricted, are you a tyrant for enslaving them?

There seems to be some confusion and asumptions at play here. Im aiming at the idea of "things" that have an effect on virtually everyone, but that most are not aware of effecting them. So yes the walls do restrict then but the awareness of that restriction isnt there. Meaning; if they was aware of the walls, and the once who are aware of them, do not have to option of doing or interacting with what is behind the walls. As then force and/or the threat of force would be used agaisnt us. Does this make the question more clear?

Here is one analogy: Awareness of the wall: its a glass wall and you see whats on the other side and want to explore it.
None awareness of the wall: The wall is a tall black scary looking one that have always been there, so you dont even know if there is anything on the other side.

In regards to what it seems to me, is your concept of freedome; You, as a prisoner or as a slave knowing you was one, regards yourself as 100% free, because you was free to think, do and act within the constraints of the prison or slave owner.

There is a diference between freely waling into limitation, and unwilingly being lead or forced into it. And to tie it a little together; if you have been blinded by walls of "I dont have a choise", is that then to be free and to make that "choise" yourself?

Lastly; It may be, however that ther eis a seperate point you wish to point out with how you word things. And im here too focused on the point im making with my questions. And the oposite may also be true, that you cant see the point im making. So yes, if the walls or conceptual prison does in no way restrict someone, then there is no reason to make them aware of it existing. But that is not what I am basing my question on.. My goal is merely understanding, not to shoot the messenger :)

"it is likely to be somewhat better than it was before"

That would be the natural progression but for one thing: overpopulation. Whether technology's ability, to lift burdens and to increase resources, can outpace overpopulation is an unanswered question.

about 10 billion is the cap if things continue to improve. Hans Rosling has an interesting discussion on this. I will try to find it later if you can't.

hey man, do you have a Discord account or anything like that? it's to talk with you, anyway, can I make a translation to Spanish of one of your posts? this is the post: (sorry for this comment, but, idk how I can contact you in other way)

i do have a discord, same name.

sure, when you translate it, link me so I can have a look :)


A stunningly beautiful photograph, mate.

Didn't read much...oops..

There should be a balance between freedom and responsibility and once this delicate balance is breached, everything comes to a standstill.

Hi taraz. You are right the world as we know it is changing. You cannot afford to rest on your laurels and need to keep moving forward. Awareness and urgency is required and some out of the box thinking will keep you ahead.
We have to all think and act for the long term. The ones who are for now will suffer in the future.

The ones who are for now will suffer in the future.

Or die happy...

I think if we make it long term as a species, we may do some quite incredible things. if.

The frontier advances with us. The journey is the life. Endings are over-rated.

Even we end, life doesn't. We seem to forget that, maybe it is hubris.

Freedom is expensive. Diligence is required to keep it.
The more freedom one has the more personal responsibility is required.


"La capacidad de asumir la responsabilidad de las acciones de uno ahora" es lo que Usted llama libertad, y creo que ese concepto nos aleja de entender la libertad como algo que nos permite actuar sin limites de ninguna naturaleza, precisamente coincido en que la libertad es, muy por el contrario, asumir los limites de mi actuar con conciencia. Ya el problema de los controles institucionales y de macro organizaciones es otra cosa. La lucha seria por entender la maxima de que "Ningun humano debe hacer daño a otro humano", y si lograramos entender a Gandhi, quizas comprenderiamos la importancia del respeto de la vida, en general.
("The ability to take responsibility for one's actions now" is what you call freedom, and I think that concept takes us away from understanding freedom as something that allows us to act without limits of any nature, I agree that freedom it is, on the contrary, to assume my limits of my acting with conscience. The problem of institutional controls and macro organizations is another matter. The struggle would be to understand the maxim that "No human should harm another human", and if we managed to understand Gandhi, perhaps we would understand the importance of respecting life, in general.)

The problem of institutional controls and macro organizations is another matter. The struggle would be to understand the maxim that "No human should harm another human", and if we managed to understand Gandhi, perhaps we would understand the importance of respecting life, in genera


Yes, so much yes to this.
It reminds me of an old Taoist saying, “aim for the moon and you may reach the top of the tree”.

Freedom is as much a subjective experience as it is an objective one. I feel my journeying through life is learning this lesson.

Here’s to wandering aimlessly with purpose!

Here’s to wandering aimlessly with purpose!

Aiming for nothing, finding everything slowly.