The digital song of the batshit crazy

in OCD5 years ago

I wrote a post, based on an even older post I had written about 2 years ago, talking about reducing the number of witness votes to 7, in order to protect against the advent of a hostile takeover through stake acquisition.

Doesn't seem so far fetched now, does it?

Well, live and learn.

I wasn't going to write anything else tonight and instead just go to bed, but I figure, why not? I used to spend 6-10 hours writing 4-6 post a day and then the comments on top for less than I am earning (in Steem) than now. These days, I spend the same amount of time on less posts, as I am one of those deluded people who still feel there should be some level of quality if I am trying to earn from an audience - treat people with respect at least. Though respect is earned and there aren't too many in the world these days who invest themselves into earning it.

I have never really understood how some people consistently aim for easy, the low hanging fruit. Work smarter - do what everyone else is doing. How's that working out for people on average? Well... averagely of course.

There is nothing wrong with being average is there? Of course not, and since most people are, one need never be lonely in the group of average. I think most of social media these days is so successful because it aims for the lowest common denominator, the low hanging fruit people, who in many other areas of life, do not have much of a say about anything. Give powerless people a mask to hide behind and the opportunity to inflict pain, and they will. In the case of social media, the mask is of course the screen.

Digital mob mentality driven by average minds and directed by those much smarter than themselves. It is easy to control the digital mobs as they tend to group themselves around the same kinds of crusades, no matter how ridiculous - how the hell do we have a world where there are millions of flat-earthers in 2020?

Only on the internet.

It is like the old, "only in America" saying that the rest of the world uses when they see the batshit crazy people there, acting batshit crazy. Yeah, this was pre-Trump - this was from at least when my age wasn't in double figures, and I would assume that it is older than that again.

Only on the internet.

It is funny, as while people are constantly complaining about the state of the world, they are simultaneously tearing down anything and anyone that is trying to make it a little bit better. The batshit crazy just can't help themselves, even if it s in their best interest to support change, they will fight for the status quo. But, what can one expect from average people, but average behaviors? And those averages are going to be influenced by the average that those people were raised in - conditions of the batshit crazy internet.

It is even more batshittier online than in America, because so many of the people who spend their time there and are the loudest can only do so because of their inability to hold down a normal job. For example, I always find it interesting how many people on Steem living in expensive western countries can't find any income to invest directly into crypto. Really, zero?

But of course - fuck working hard and putting out some decent content to earn for free online. Too much trouble, Steem sucks ass - I would much rather go and scream at people on Twitter about the lack of job opportunities and how oppressed poor people are....

Opportunity, opportunity everywhere

But average people are blind.

Average. Are you average?

I know that I am. At least at most things. I am pretty good at some things however, and it is through these things that I try to make sure that I have some financial security. I think this is actually something that most people do not consider very well. Financial security doesn't come from a job or even having value in a bank of some kind, like Steem in a wallet.

Financial security is knowing that you can lose it all and still survive. Chase low hanging fruit when developing skills and that is not the case as, anyone can do it, which means, it is an average skill, plentiful and valueless. Perhaps this is why so many people spend so much time online, as from behind the screen, they can pretend to be someone they are not, someone better than they are, someone with power.

Is that what you are doing on Steem? Trying to feel powerful? People look at power as if it has to be controlling and harmful, but it does not. Power also comes from being able to be useful, being able to provide service that satisfies a need - which is why the internet s so powerful itself. It isn't all of the information available at fingertips and the possibility to develop nearly any skill freely. It is because it fills a need that people are missing in the world, it gives them a voice, a fist and a friend. Regardless of the reality, people shout into the void and feel that someone is listening, hearing their concerns, considering their ideas -like Morpheus of Neo -

Anybody out there?

There are many bodies, but none are listening - as they are all talking at the same time.

The digital song of the batshit crazy


[ a Steem original ]



So #steemclassic continues on, with the stincstake forked out and that SMT/RC delegation pool coding forked in, giving SP hodlers more control over the rewards pool.
Anything we get over on Tron is just gravy.

Yep, there are many option. The only concern is exchange listing.

Blocktrades at first. Once the demonstrated volume's there, momentum will pick up. Hopefully Justin does the righty, and doesn't make it necessary.

Yeah, there is a massive opportunity to make Steem a portal for a mass of social dapps and interaction and gateways all over the networks

Yep, there are many
Option. The only concern
Is exchange listing.

                 - tarazkp

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Pretty crazy that it has come to this. The 7 witness idea sounds a little more relevant right now. There will be opportunities as one thing I know is there are some seriously smart people on here and their strength is they care. The value of Steem is the community and the ones that are still here have value. I am not a tech guy but I just don't want low hanging fruit as I believe we are worth more than that.

It is going to get very interesting and it is either to the stars or the gutter. Perhaps there is no halfway.

I can live with that as long as we give it our best shot and decide as one community to move in whatever that direction might be. Power is in numbers and I am positive we will survive and flourish.

Yeah, I am really hoping that there is more best case than worst case scenario, but the results will be what they are.

Worse case scenario is we will all be sitting with hundreds of thousands of Tron I suppose. I am not a fan of that as Steem has already visited $8 and what has Tron done 40 cents or something. Tron can go max maybe $1, but Steem literally could have gone up to any number in double figures. There is something like 200 x more Tron coins than Steem. Just have to wait and see and maybe get some sleep lol.


@cryptoandcoffee you have received 30 ENGAGE from @tarazkp!
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People look at power as if it has to be controlling and harmful, but it does not. Power also comes from being able to be useful, being able to provide service that satisfies a need

More folks need to hear this.
PLEASE add some volume 🔈🔉🔊

So Steem was bought by TRON.. fun times!

Where'd you hear that? Hahahaha

"Steemit" .. or Ned's stake.. yikes.. that's practically a super majority on its own. They could buy a little more stake naturally, or use the stake to self-promote and collect the majority of the STEEM reward pool, all of which would affect STEEM. So, yeah, effectively they bought STEEM if they acquired the existing stake of a large STEEM owner.

Financial security is knowing that you can lose it all and still survive

What? Financial Security is knowing that you can't lose it all.

Diversification of income streams and assets provides this.

Nope. Knowing you can be at nothing and be okay and rebuild from nothing at any point is true security. Diversification and revenue streams are risk management.

Sometimes that can be quite refreshing: you can jettison lots of baggage, things you've been carrying round ... for why?

Trusting one is able to build from nothing is freedom. Relying on the protecting of what one has is always a position of attachment. It is n't that you need to give up everything, but be able to give up everything if the need arises. The beauty of crypto is, it travels well.


@shanibeer you have received 20 ENGAGE from @tarazkp!
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Our concept of losing it all differs drastically. Hope/faith is knowing you can rebuild it all. Financial Security means you still have money.

Hope/faith is knowing you can rebuild it all.

Skill plays the major part here, hope and faith get applied on top.

Knowing you can always get a job also means being able to take risks in other areas too, that means developing skills across several areas, much like revenue streams and investment diversity. Unless completely self-sufficient, there is no security, just lowered risk. A war, a dictator, a government can wipe away everything - and I hope that crypto creates a solution to this risk.


@crypticat you have received 20 ENGAGE from @tarazkp!
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I have long wondered why we had more witness votes than top witness slots. 7 seems a bit low, but I'd support it. It's perhaps a genuine compromise to defend the original blockchain instead of forking out the steemit stake.

I am easy, but below 50% would be good. 75 is the super majority, needed so it gives a buffer.

Now that you mention it, it probably needs to be below 25% or the steemit stake could still potentially obstruct upgrades.

I'd rather obstruction than forced through

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