STEEMCHURCH / Lessons From a Father To His Son

in #steemchurch6 years ago

In education all positive teaching is good, and as parents we must show our children that we are your best guide to a future path to success. Train them as male or female of good is the key so that they grow with ethical and moral values, able to distinguish what is good or evil.


Let them make mistake is part of your growth and giving them the necessary tools so that they have that wisdom know amend those mistakes and avoid them in the future, is one of the best things we can do for them as parents being always vigilant of their steps so that they do not deviate on the road.


It is no secret that is the father the mainstay in the family, since it is he who represents the livelihood, character and discipline as well as the strength.

While the mother represents that tenderness, unconditional love, nobility, and much more. Both underlie those values which should teach children to so can all emerge as a family of good principles and values. Already this saying that the family is the basis of society, then it is part of us being guarantors that remain so.

Isaiah 64:8

But now, o Lord, you are our father, we the clay, and you our Potter; work of your hands are all of us.

Psalms 103:13

As a father pities {their} children, so the Lord of those who fear him complains.


  • Parents should educate children and feelings will: Prepare a child for life is not to satisfy all their hearts and all their whims.

  • The anger is harmful to the child's education: Anger leads to words without thinking and to act rashly. Your son is a treasure that deserves all the love, respect and affection; It is a treasure of life delivered into the hands of parents.

  • The secret that a child entrusted to the father or the mother should be like a stone thrown into the sea.: It lurks in the background, nobody sees it, discovers, known.

  • The best school of life is the example of the parents: Children need more examples than the teachings.

  • The Mission of parents is guide, clarify, loving, understanding, encourage.

  • The vent is a psychological need of everyone: Your child often is psychologically overwhelmed and feel the need to let off some steam. It is accurate to say what he feels.

  • Listening in silence is a virtue that parents should also be: Before countering your child, listen, analyzes and seeks to understand what it means. And then speaking, but with love.

  • 8 let your daughter talk, just listen. It then dialogues serenely and calm with her: Perhaps she says many things wrong, but analyzing it well will find many truths between errors.

  • Your child need advice and recommendations, but they must be well dosed, given with love and kindness: A barrage of advice and recommendations irritates and saturates.

  • How many young people still not discovered the true meaning of life! They live and don't know why: We are in this world to love and to do good, love unites us each other and all United love to God. Love always brings unit and leads to do good works. A life without love is empty and meaningless.

Matthew 6:

Look at the birds of the sky, not sow, neither reap, nor gather into barns, and {yet} your heavenly Father feedeth 26. Do not ye of much more value than they?

Proverbs 3:11-12

My son do not reject the discipline of the Lord, nor aborrezcas his reproof, for the Lord who loves rebukes, as a father the son in whom delights.




Much of what a child learns is assimilated rather than learned. The reflection of your faith in God is a lasting image that will form the concept of God in your child.


Accurate, and above all to be the greatest example to follow for them. If we teach them good manners.

Do not stop attending your church! In a hectic and hectic world, your family can not live without this vital institution. Make church attendance a routine for you and your children

It would be a good teaching that learning.

As Christians God is an example of fatherly figure to us as his children. We must remember that as we are children looking up unto God to guide our footsteps, so also we should also be an example to our children.

Always be the Shepherd of our own herds, guide you and show you all that is good is the best example that we can leave to our children.

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Wonderful animals. Today they shot one of them in our zoo because he escapes . I think they have never heard about traquilizers.

For the same reason, use the image of these magnificent animals, by its grandeur and the respect they represent.

It is necessary that our children receive the teachings that the Lord Jesus gave us, just as we should meditate on the scriptures in the same way we should teach our children the fear of God, so that when they reach adulthood they do not deviate from their left or to your right. Grace spor this beautiful teaching brother God bless you

The father never put of the first alimentarce of good teachings, then order transmitr to their children, all the good things that can offer, making them differentiate between good and bad, inculcandoles always let aside all harmful.

Parents have to be very patient and ask for wisdom.
If it is necessary to read books on topics appropriate to the age of your children, ask for advice from teachers, if they are church people, orient themselves with what is written in the bible and talk with the priest or pastor, the important thing is to ask, in case have doubts about how to treat your children. Remembering that we are not born with a manual to raise.
The recommendations that you offer in your publication are very precise, they are worth re-reading and sharing.

The feedback is very good, especially if it's the theme of parents.

In my case what I'm doing since you baby I was born 8 months ago, in order to be your best model and example to follow.

Thank you for reading it. :)

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