Some art in Soho

Some art in Soho

I came across this fence and street art last year but when I came across these shots in my archives I realized I hadn't shared them so today seemed as good a time as any to share this work, which seems to be by an artist called SohoSoleil

1 1 art on a walk5.jpg

Sony A7iii 28mm F4 1/80 Sec ISO 100
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New Yorkers will post art in any space they can find, and in Soho that includes a chain-link fence outside a barren city lot. The street art on the fence, at Grand and Lafayette Streets, is a collage of various materials, including crocheted yarn, plastic bottles and stickers, many found on the street and reused by the creator, Wendy Friedman.

The light wasn't ideal when Iw as there for these shots but I thought it was interesting this next shot is my favorite part of the art on this fence.

1 1 art on a walk4.jpg

Sony A7iii 28mm F4 1/60 Sec ISO 160
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As you can see in this next shot the artist used a real mix of things to make this art, a bit of an interesting style, which I am guessing some will love and some will hate.

1 1 art on a walk3.jpg

Sony A7iii 28mm F4 1/60 Sec ISO 160
Click here to view larger

and finishing off with this skeleton ( Skeletin) which is quite unique

1 1 art on a walk2.jpg

Sony A7iii 28mm F4 1/60 Sec ISO 200
Click here to view larger

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.


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!steemitworldmap 40.720047 lat -73.999091 long Grand and Lafayette Soho NYC d3scr


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This was fun to look at. A lot of time put into it I think.

SkeleTIN..... funny...