Club5050// Creative Writing: Focus on Your own Journey

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago (edited)

I hope you find these tips useful

It's another Sunday, today. If you are a Christian, I trust you went to church. How was service? I hope and pray you were blessed by the message from the alter, and note that the blessings come from the doing part...(put the word to practice, that is wisdom)

For me, service was great and I learnt a number of things:
📌 We must listen to the word of God with our hearts
Sanctification secures destiny PS.123:1-3
Our prayer most be that God should have mercy on us this day and every infirmity will be purged.

God will never ask us to do any thing he has not empowered us to do. So sanctification is very possible as God says . 1 John5:3. Gods commands are not difficult to obey

Sanctification is a choice not a gift
We most make up our mind to be sanctified Math 5: we most have hunger to leave sin before God can empower us. We most take personal responsibility

📌 Don't get too familiar with God – it will restrict you from receiving of everything that He has in store for you.

📌 You should carry the aura of joy around you. Don't let your situation make you moody that you refuse to attract the good things that has been made available for you.

📌Worship and serve God at your pace. Comparing yourself with others will only make you see your self lesser than you actually are. You're in no competition with anyone. Take it a step at a time but ensure you're growing.

📌 It's the year's end and virtually everything in the country is tilting towards hopelessness from what we see on a daily basis. Everything seems to be getting more expensive everyday but we have a surer hope. Christ in us is the Hope of glory

Were you edified reading this?

PS: I made this post yesterday night an slept off with mh phone in my hand 🤦‍♀️. This happens to me quite often. Do you often get thesame experience? I hope i'm not in this alone...😅
All thesame, I hope you were bleseed and inspired

I hope you have a wonderful day and a productive week.

 2 years ago 

Please correct your club status tag, it is club5050 not club50. Then club75 and club100. As for the first club tag, it is club5050.

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