Pimp My Ride: Painting the Car! Part 2.
Hi there! Let's continue!

First part you can find here And we move on!
The last few days the weather was fine. I bought front doors for $ 30.
A bit about the technology for applying this protective coating - A surface must be treated with an abrasive (for example sandpaper P120-P360). Actually, this is the dirtiest part of the work. But before that, of course, you need to dismantle all that interferes with the work - handles, sealing rubber, glass... With the help of perseverance, Google and quite a bit of filthy words, I dismantled the doors and did not even break anything :) At this stage, it was not very convenient for me to take pictures, sorry. But below the photos of the painting process.
What can I tell you, friends... So far I am completely satisfied with the result! So don't be afraid to take on something new! In our time - the time of access to a lot of information, you can do many things with your own hands! The main thing is to approach the question wisely!
See you soon!
Sincerely, Terry Craft.