An ocean of whales... A minnows tale...

in #contest7 years ago (edited)


As my feet nimbly moved over the broken lava rock, I began to hear a sound echoing up the bay, an unmistakable sound, a pod talking to its calves.

I raced at this point, fearing I would miss them. A deep bellow reverberated as a bull sang out his song. A chill stiffened me as I feared my dog would dive in oblivious.

"Stop Buddha!" My dog halted.

In the cove immediately in front of me, six or seven calves were rolling, splashing and singing. Such joy! My skin tingled with goosebumps. The energy heightened as the spinner dolphins swam out past the calf pod.


Then, a great breach of the deep blue water as one cow cast an observant eye to the young. The waves broke intensely off her magnificent body and rippled up the cove. All around me, the sounds of them all singing and then... gone.

“That was a festival of life,” I told Buddha as he looked back at me with his attentive brown eyes. In return, he seemed to answer, “Our day is complete Daddy. Let's go home.”


The Last Sage


Enjoyed this! Love how you named your dog Buddha!

Thank you very much! I am glad you found it enjoyable!

The Last Sage

Absolutely mate! Cheers

Buddha (lol awesome name) leans more on the pitbull side. And you have such beautiful words. feels tiny next to you

As my feet nimbly moved

My dog halted.

The way you wrote this... everything was so poetic.

Thank you very much for your awesome reply.
Yes, our Buddha, he is definitely a little "pitty". He was bred for hunting feral hogs in Hawaii but I couldn't leave a puppy to that kind of life and so now he is a loved and pampered house dog.

The Last Sage

My reply didn't even cover enough of how impressed I am by how you weave your words together.

He's lucky that you came into his life. I think it's a dog breed called Rhodesian ridgeback that's being used as a guard dog in Africa and can chase away lions. Or I may have gotten the breed wrong. Argh. I'd fail Animal Planet's Dogs 101 exam if ever

I believe you are correct on Rhodesian ridgeback. They are a magnificent animal as well. I was told that my Buddha looked like one because when he bristles his short hair he has a ridge all the way from his head to his tail. It is quite scary actually when he does it.

I glad you enjoyed!

The Last Sage

These are actually some real nice looking photos :) You have a good eye for photography!

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