Stay home, share 3 travel photos (day 24) - Challenge

in GEMS4 years ago

It's day 24! Stay home and share your travel photos.

We only have 7 more days left and the ECQ might be lifted or extended, again. We're not so sure about it but one thing is clear, that everyday, new covid19 cases are popping out.

I gott a group call awhile ago with my co-workers, checking with each other and discussing things we did for the past weeks. It was fun refreshments of the things we'll deal with when the lock-down is lifted. I'm looking forward to see them again, but for now let's have a short travel experience in Cebu.

Magellan's Cross, Cebu, Philippines

The Magellan's Cross is the first ever erected cross of the Philippines. It is located at the heart of Cebu City near the Basilica Minore Del Sto. Nino. The cross represents as the birthplace of Christianity of the country. There are a lot of tourists that visit this daily and this picture serves as my first ever visit, ever since!

Sugbu Chinese Heritage Museum

A few blocks away from the Magellan's cross, you'll see a big heritage museum, it is the Sugbu Chinese Museum. As you can see, it is an empty museum because at the time I took a picture inside of it, they're still under renovation. This was also my first time visit, not as a tourist but an employee.

Citadines Cebu


Located at the Baseline Cebu Center, this 3-tower combination of a condo-hotel sits as one of the tallest commercial buildings in Metro Cebu. Until now, they're still under construction but the first tower which is currently under my scope as a commissioning engineer, is almost done.

If you like to participate, just share 3 travel photos and use the hashtag #travelathome. Keep safe everyone!

All photos were taken by the author.

"best of time"

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