United Nations Bought The INTERNET From The United States - Freedom of Speech on The Internet Doesn't Exist Anymore - Blockchain Technology is Our Only Hope For The Future!

in #blockchain8 years ago (edited)

I read some ground-breaking news last night. Of course, the media announced it on a Saturday night while everyone is out partying and not on the internet. None of the mainstream media's reported it (CNN, ABC, NBC) except for Yahoo which many people have not read; because the government wants humans to be blind to the fact of all the ridiculous actions they are taking. Please read the following without thinking this is some sort of "Conspiracy Theory".

As of October 1st, 2016 at 12:00 AM, the United Nations now own ICANN. ICANN is the organization that regulates and censors the internet.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN /ˈaɪkæn/ eye-kan) is a nonprofit organization that is responsible for coordinating the maintenance and procedures of several databases related to the namespaces of the Internet – thereby ensuring the network’s stable and secure operation.[1] ICANN performs the actual technical maintenance work of the central Internet address pools and DNS Root registries pursuant to the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) function contract.ICANN’s primary principles of operation have been described as helping preserve the operational stability of the Internet; to promote competition; to achieve broad representation of the global Internet community; and to develop policies appropriate to its mission through bottom-up, consensus-based processes.[2]Much of its work has concerned the Internet’s global Domain Name System, including policy development for internationalization of the DNS system, introduction of new generic top-level domains (TLDs), and the operation of root name servers. The numbering facilities ICANN manages include the Internet Protocol address spaces for IPv4 and IPv6, and assignment of address blocks to regional Internet registries. ICANN also maintains registries of Internet protocol identifiers.

With this being said, there is no more Freedom of Speech on The Internet. Everything not on a blockchain will be censored by the United Nations.

A few examples of what the UN can now do since they have the power too: If the UN does not like what Facebook brings to the table, they can shut the website down with no hesitation. If they do not like a website that is selling a T-Shirts with the following message: We want an UNCENSORED INTERNET! They can shut it down with not one person stopping them. These are just 2 examples of billions, the censored internet is screwed, to say the least.

Ted Cruz, the former runner for President for the Republican Party, fought very hard for this not to happen. But a federal judge denied on September 30, 2016 their request for an injunction and the scheduled handoff took place at midnight on October 1st, 2016. Cruz and other critics had argued the transfer could lead to authoritarian countries taking control of the internet and eventually censoring content throughout the world.

Fortunatly, this may help Blockchain technology grow as a whole. When more people who do not know about blockchains find out that the United Nations can now censor everything on the interent, they will be looking for an alternative to the internet and the only alternative is Blockchains.

Anybody who is reading this, please share the word with friends and family (by mouth), on a DECENTRALIZED blockchain, by upvoting this blog so it will get to the trending page, and lastly reblog it for the Steemers to see the truth in the world and what is going on behind closed doors.

I am happy and upset today. I am happy in the way that blockchains will grow drastically in the future. I am sad in the way that there is no such thing as "Freedom of Speech in The Internet" any more, even though there really hasn't been in years.

What are your thoughts on this, fellow Steemers?

Information from: Source 1 - Source 2 - Source 3

Contact information: Email: theprophet0@steemsports.com - Steemit.chat: theprophet0

Remember to spread the word!


MaidSafe to the heavens?

ICAAN, correct me if I'm wrong, only deals with domain name registration doesn't it?

Also: I'm not sure "jurasticaly" is a word. I think you meant drastically.

This is a sad day. IPFS proves to be a vital innovation to combat what is about to happen. Wake up people.

Correct, anything that is centralized can be shut down because there is a domain to it.

Also: Thanks for notifying me of that, fixed it! :)

Was the US government owning it not centralized?

I appreciate your concern I just doubt there is much more to worry about than there was before the switch. If anything it's probably better than one country having a monopoly on it.

The difference in the US we have this thing called the 1st Amendment. This Constitutional right has protected numerous attempts to censor the Internet. Now, ICAAN will be moved away from US laws and has ZERO protection. Now we can expect taxation and censorship on a grande scale.

So, its not about centralization. Its about the central entity that has absolute power to act in its own interest as well as corporate and lobbying influence.

We think media centralization is bad...now our only communication method that allows for freedom of speech and expression is now under control of the very entities our existing rights protect us against.


We are the only country with free speech?

Interestingly enough if you look up an index reviewing freedoms of people across the world the United States doesn't even make it in the top ten.

No, you should read my post again and ask yourself that question. Attempted censorship of the Internet has been thwarted by the 1st amendment. Interesting is why we need to transfer management in the first place. Do we have censorship issues right now on the Internet? What is the purpose? Ask Internet users in China and Russia how much they love censorship. Now ask US citizens how much they love freedom of speech and expression on the Internet. Your argument is not relevant in the context of the Internet.

@kryptik i get from your responses that giving ICAAN management control of the Internet is ok by you. My position is that it is very bad for you, me, and everyone on planet earth. Have a good day.

The argument that one nation should "own" the Internet is not relevant being as it's users are a global community not a national community. No one country should possess the Internet being as their views may be incongruent with the rest of the world. Is this fair to a global community? Has the American propaganda really diluted you so much that you think we are the sole torch of freedom around the world?

Correct, when the US government owned it, it was centralized.

Now being that the United Nations own it, they don't have Freedem of Speech.

It's a censorship of free spech, if they don't like what I am saying they will shut it down.

so what us could do before now the un can? oh the terror. amaright?

I was watching this yesterday:

I think its a little scary, but then again, I dont thnk they are able to stop any blockchain!! They might be able to limit some peoples access to interfaces (like steemit, but not the steem, right?)... but if that happens in a certain country then we can build new interface on new domain...

The real problem is the mental battle for freedom. In this time, its about getting ALL people to only use services on a true blockchain, like Steem and Bitcoin, then we have a free world.


Sorry to burst your bubble but:

  • the US is a corporation since 1871
  • there is a 2nd secret constitution, The Constitution of the United States, the original was the constitution for the united states

Statism is evil, anarchism is good.

What we really need is a downloadable application for Steemit sort of like how Decent is going to have a Decentralized App. That would mean that they can't shut down Steemit./

I'm with you on that one, it will also offer better security in terms of passwords not being compromised too easily from browser scripts.

Sure that is also an option, and even if steemit.com was brought down, someone would build that APP in a day! So in the end freedom already won with blockchain.

Pretty cool stuff... I was actually watching a full season of weeds on netflix saturday night, so I did not hear/read this info like everyone else that night.

Indeed, the government wants us to be blind to everything they do... It's ridiculous.

You earned a follow from me with this post!
Thanks for sharing and hope to see more valuable content from you to come.
Please let Steemit know they need to protect this from ICANN censorship as the domain name can be shut down when and how they like.
Best Wishes~*~

@theprophetO Upvoted and followed. Congratulations! Your great post was chosen to be the lead story on the front page of today's edition of 'Steem Talk' : https://steemit.com/news/@steemtalk/steem-talk-your-daily-best-of-steemit-digital-newspaper-weekender-edition-25 (Fellow haters of censorship in any form.)

Thx for posting this is extremely important. Here is my post on trust. https://steemit.com/intro/@greenman/part-4-trust-who-do-you-trust-do-you-trust-your-local-city-council-provincial-or-national-gov-t-do-you-trust-the-global-world

My next post I will be calling for a debate on processing power here on the steemit feed. I won the debate on reddit already but want it attached to a blockchain - any and steemit will do for now. After that my post will be for steemit to attach itself to the only true blockchain via a hashing of every 400 man hours of content sent to a satoshi so we have it etched in stone for 3000 years not just until steemit the genius semi decentralized entity survives.

Scary that it has come to this!
The blockchain is the future <3

For sure! Excited about blockchains! ;)

I was looking all over the internet trying to find information on this and there is a total news black out ! :(

Yes indeed, I am glad I can share it here on Steemit, being that it is decentralized!

Remember to ReBlog

Blockchains are the future!

sounds great.

I too, am curious how this will turn out, but it doesn't seem to bode well, so far.

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