Thought of the Day: Rattled Writing

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Sometimes I just do not know what to write about.

It’s more like I get rattled by so many things at the same time that I lose clue as to which one to write about. Know what I mean?

Or sometimes it’s like you have a lot of things to say but you just cannot get yourself to write. There is like something blocking you or stopping you from it. It’s like you’re trapped in a mindblowing mental escape room. You know what those are? The escape rooms?

For those who don’t know what they are (have you been living under a rock in the hobbit world?) - they are these mysterious rooms where you get trapped in (ofcourse by choice) along with bunch of friends. The purpose is to solve numerous puzzles and get your way out of there within a given amount of time. Generally, there are various themes associated with this room. Last time I went to one with this Indiana Jones feel to it, man it was awesome! For the time when I was in there I so badly wanted to take my notebook out and start writing or typing in my phone about all the awesome things in there but I couldn’t because they don’t allow phones and stuff in there.

That’s exactly how I feel sometimes when I have a lot I’d like to write about but I just cannot for some reason. I know there is such a thing called writer’s block but this is not that.

Perhaps it’s more like my brain being in denial, it’s like if I don’t write it down then this feeling will only be an illusion and it won’t become a real thing. Or perhaps the feelings get so damn intense that the vastness of it is hard to simplify with words.

Also it’s kind of hard to write when I’m happy. There are a lot of theories running around about artists that the best artists are the ones with a broken heart or whatever and I have noticed that I’m drawn to writing or I write my best stuff when I’m feeling down. What is that all about?

Does it ever happen to you?

Images by Pexels
Written by @things, 2017 and edited by @sjennon. All rights reserved.


This absolutely happens to me!

Well I’m glad I’m not the only one :-)

Yup. I sympathise! For me it's as if there are so many things all wanting to come out that I can't decide which one to go with, so I end up spending all my time chasing them all around in my head like one of those cartoons of a guy with replicating bunny rabbits on the brain, so that in the end my time is gone and I have done nothing! I think less is more,but at the same time am neither doing less nor more. The infuriating paradoxes of life.

Ah so vividly and aptly put by you!

All we need to do now is tame those bunny rabbits. (No more writing, as now distracted by mental image of a bunny rabbit in a harness pulling a chariot...)

HEY THINGS!!!! I found you! thanks for your awesome mention of me in your steemfest post. Im sad I didn't get to see it at the time.....why the hell doesn't steemit show me when people mention me? Is there some app that Im supposed to have?
Anyway. I came to let you know that you're in my latest vlog post handing me cool stuff at the registration desk! You should check it out. And in response to this post, I find that different forms of creative expression suit different moods. I write better lyrics when Im miserable. I write funny stuff when Im bored. When Im happy I like working with other people. When Im over excited should probably just do some exercise....You know what I mean? Its hard to make a living from something when it relies on your mood. I prefer it when theres no pressure on me and I can create depending on my whims. But for some reason, acting is the ONE thing I can do more professionally, as a job for someone. Anything else and I just buckle under the pressure!

Heyyyy! I see what you're trying to say and it is so true. I want to become a professional writer and it scares me a little bit that if I do not get a hold of myself about the whole writing thing I won't be able to reach that goal. Also I will check out your vlog right away!

Hm, if you don't know what to write about sometimes would you like to participate in a 7-day B&W photo challenge? I was nominated and when I post my first photo I have to nominate someone?

i just upvote you & you back upvote my post ....please

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